Health Care Practitioner FAQs
- Q. Am I required to complete a health care practitioner certification for a patient?
- No. Health care practitioners are not required to complete and sign the certification
- Q. Am I mandated to sign the certification?
- Yes. If a health care practitioner is willing to complete a health care practitioner certification for a patient to use medical marijuana, then you must sign the form.
- Q. What am I actually certifying?
- You are certifying that you have completed an in-person patient assessment;
- That you are licensed to practice in Delaware
- Q. Do I need any special training or certification to certify patients?
- Any MD (medical Doctor) or DO (doctor of osteopathy), APRN (Advanced Practice RN), or PA (Physician Assistant) licensed to practice in Delaware is authorized to certify and there is no specific medical marijuana training required by law in order to certify patients for the program.
- Q. Will the certifications be verified?
- Yes. The Medical Marijuana Program may contact the health care practitioner to verify the certification.
- Q. Do I keep a medical record of the visit?
- Yes. You should keep a record of the visit and make it a part of the patient’s medical record.
- Q. When does the health care practitioner certification expire?
- The health care practictioner certification is valid for 90 days from the date you sign the certification. If a patient fails to submit their application within the 90 day window, they will be required to obtain another certification. The patient’s registry ID card is only valid for one year from the time of issue, so they will be required to obtain another certification when they renew.
If you have further questions or concerns, call the Medical Marijuana Program.
Additional Links
Medical Marijuana Program Home Page
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Contact the Program
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By E-Mail
Health Care Practitioner Information
Health Care Practitioner Manual
Medical Marijuana Physician Education Video
Application Forms
Pediatric Patient