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Expanded Emergency Benefits

To serve Delaware individuals and families in need, DHSS has issued more than $120 million total in monthly emergency benefits, is providing more than $6 million in housing assistance to shelter hundreds of families impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, is funding a new housing program for pregnant women without housing, and provides emergency supplies to home visiting program participants.

Homeless Children

Monthly Benefits

  • Since March 2020, DHSS has issued emergency benefits each month to eligible households.
  • All households with open food benefit (SNAP) cases receive at least $95 in emergency food benefits.
  • The emergency assistance for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and General Assistance (GA) families increases a household's monthly benefit for each program up to the maximum benefit amount for their household size.
  • To screen for and apply for benefits, go to DHSS' online application portal Delaware ASSIST or call 1-866-843-7212.
  • March 2022 Press Release

Housing Assistance

  • Hundreds of Delaware families impacted by the COVID-19 crisis have been housed in motels and hotels.
  • In March 2022, $6 million in funding was announced.
  • Allows more families to begin the transition from emergency housing to permanent housing.
  • Press Release

Housing for Vulnerable Pregnant Women

  • $1.5 million announced in March 2022.
  • Program will serve pregnant women in Delaware who are housing insecure.
  • Division of Public Health will support the model, which includes wraparound services.
  • Press Release

Emergency Supplies for Families

  • $194,000 announced in March 2022.
  • Benefits families enrolled in home visiting programs.
  • Contractors will work through the Division of Public Health.
  • Provide families with emergency supplies, including face masks, hand sanitizer, no-touch thermometers, diapers, infant formula, food and water.
  • Home Visiting Program
