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Delaware Health Statistics Center

Birth and Death Data - Public Use Version in ASCII Format

Public Data User's Agreement

In accordance with Delaware law, I agree to the following terms and conditions related to the access and use of the information obtained from the Delaware Health Statistics Center (DHSC).

I agree not to sell, release or otherwise transfer the files, or any portion thereof, provided under this agreement. I agree that no attempt will be made to link the files provided by the DHSC with other files so as to identify an individual's confidential data.

I further agree to the following for any material derived from these vital statistics files:

  • No statement shall be made indicating or suggesting that interpretations drawn from the vital statistics data files are those of the Delaware Health Statistics Center.
  • If cited in a publication or presentation, the source of the data will be acknowledged as the Delaware Vital Statistics Data, Delaware Health Statistics Center, Division of Public Health, Delaware Health and Social Services.

I accept the agreement.

I decline the agreement.
