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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
The mission of the Office of Lead Poisoning Prevention (OLPP) is to protect the health of Delawareans by preventing childhood lead poisoning and promoting health among children (0 – 6 years of age) through education, safe environments, screening and early intervention. OLPP accomplishes this mission by:
Lead Screening InformationChildhood lead poisoning continues to be the most significant and widespread environmental hazard for children in Delaware. Lead is a neurotoxin, causing permanent and irreversible damage to the human body. There are no safe blood lead levels in children. Only a blood lead test can tell if a child has been exposed to lead. Delaware law requires ALL Delaware healthcare providers make sure their patients who are children receive a blood lead test (either capillary or venous test) at 12 months of age and again at 24 months of age. The national standard for an elevated blood lead level test result is now ≥ 3.5 µg/dl. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had previously defined an elevated blood lead level as ≥ 5.0 µg/dl. Children with elevated test results require additional testing and follow-up to decrease further exposure and limit damage to the long-term health of the child.
For more information, please contact the Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
Resources for More InformationRenovate Right Pamphlet English / Spanish __________ Submit a Tip or Complaint __________ Community Health Services Lead Testing Page __________ Elevated Blood Lead level Procedure __________ CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention __________ Medical Guidelines for Lead Exposed Workers __________ HUD Office of Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Control __________ Lead Poisoning Home Checklist __________ Lead and a Healthy Diet __________ |