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The Division of Public Health (DPH) declares it is ready to receive data through the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) in these areas of Stage 2/Stage 3Promoting Interoperability Program (PIP) attestation:
These links pertain to the submission of electronic data to Immunization Information Systems or Immunization Registries. DelVAX is the Delaware Immunization Information System and Registry.
These links pertain to the submission of reportable electronic laboratory results to DPH. These lab results are sent to Delaware Electronic Reporting and Syndromic Surveillance System (DERSS).
These links pertain to the submission of electronic syndromic surveillance data to DPH. These syndromic surveillance results are sent to Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE).
File Specifications: HL7 electronic initial case report (eICR) standards (R1.1 and R3) for electronic case reporting (eCR). DPH received Provider EHR eICR and RR notices vaia the AIMS/APHL platform connection and not through the DHIN (Delaware Health Information Network).
The State of Delaware, Division of Public Health, uses the HL7 electronic initial case report (eICR) standards (R1.1 and R3) for electronic case reporting (eCR) and to support the new CMS Promoting Interoperability regulations for eCR. It is these standards that we will use to eventually eliminate manual reporting requirements. We also require the use of APHL AIMS and the Reportable Condition Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) to ensure appropriate reporting.
Helpful Links:
Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) | CDC
eCR - Electronic Case Reporting (
Electronic Case Reporting Digital Resources | CDC
These links pertain to the submission of reportable electronic cancer data to DPH. This data is sent to the Delaware Cancer Registry.
This link pertains to the submission of reportable newborn screening metabolic messages electronically to DPH. This data is sent to the Newborn Screening Program.
"By statute, DHIN is the state-sanctioned provider of health information exchange services. The intent is for DHIN to be the vehicle for all health data that must be transmitted or reported to the state. This will create important efficiencies and cost savings. DHIN and the Division of Public Health have agreed upon the tools and methods that will be used to feed required surveillance data, reportable labs, and immunization data from the hospitals, labs, and practices to the state.
We want to assure you that both the Division of Public Health and DHIN are working hard to meet your needs. We recognize there is some anxiety about timeliness of the availability of the tools you will need to attest to Promoting Interoperability Program (PIP). We want you to know that we are fully committed to ensuring all eligible providers and eligible hospitals have the ability to attest in the areas that DPH declares it is ready to receive.
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