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Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) funded Caregiver Resource Centers host support groups throughout Delaware for caregivers to share information, insight, advice, and encouragement. These support groups allow caregivers an opportunity to learn from others who face the same challenges, and to share their own personal experiences with caregiving. Contact the organizations listed below for dates, times, and locations of the support groups.
New Castle County:
Kent County:
Sussex County:
In addition to the Caregiver Resource Center caregiver support groups, there are several focused support groups in Delaware for caregivers. Follow the links listed below and contact the organizations to determine the dates, times, and locations of their caregiver support groups.
The internet offers many opportunities for caregivers to connect online, discuss issues, and get support. Online support groups take on different forms, including chat rooms, discussion groups, email groups (knowns also as "listservs"), Facebook groups, etc. Some caregiving websites provide online support groups that are staffed by trained professionals, and others are run by caregivers who are simply interested in helping others. Usually, participation is free of charge, and no special software is needed. Some sites require you to register before you begin to participate in the group.
Below is a list of some of the online support groups for caregivers. You might want to consider visiting several of them to see which ones best suit you needs.
Want to know more before you try out online support groups? Please see our online support group information page.