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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
Pathways to Employment is a program designed to support low-income teens and young adults with disabilities in Delaware who want to work. The program helps participants get prepared for work, find jobs, and succeed in the workplace.
In order to participate in the Pathways to Employment program an individual must:
* People with mental health support needs are served by a similar program called PROMISE.
Pathways to Employment participants receive employment-related services to meet their individual needs.
Services available through Pathways to Employment include:
For a brief description of each service, visit the Pathways to Employment - Services page.
Follow the links below to get more detailed information about Pathways to Employment.
To enroll in Pathways to Employment or to refer someone who you think might benefit from the program, contact the Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
To enroll as a service provider, please visit the Pathways to Employment - Information for Service Providers page.