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Financial Assistance for Persons with Brain Injury

Below is a list of programs and services which can provide financial support to persons with brain injury. Program eligibility varies. Please contact individual providers to determine whether or not you or your family member might be eligible. Consider getting help from physicians, hospital social workers, and other professionals in exploring financial assistance options.

  • PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE: If you have private health insurance, contact the insurance company to find out what services are covered under your policy. Get help from your doctor or other helath care provider in presenting information about your medical needs to the insurance company.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY : Social Security provides a monthly income for eligible older persons and persons with disabilities. Call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213.
  • SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) : SSI supplements Social Security payments for individuals who have certain income and asset levels. SSI is administered by the Social Security Administration. Call 1-800-772-1213.
  • MEDICARE : Medicare is a federal health insurance program for those who receive Social Security benefits. Eligible individuals include older people, people of any age with permanent kidney failure, and people with disabilities under age 65 who meet requirements. Call 1-800-MEDICARE.
  • MEDICAID : Medicaid provides health insurance for eligible low-income children and adults. Services are coordinated through Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA). Call 1-800-372-2022 in Delaware.
  • VETERANS BENEFITS : Eligible veterans and their dependents may receive treatment at a Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center. Treatment for non-service connected conditions may be available based on the veteran’s financial need. The VA also has a special brain injury program. Call 1-800-827-1000.
  • HILL-BURTON FUNDS : Hill-Burton is a program through which hospitals receive construction funds from the federal government. Hospitals that receive Hill-Burton funds are required by law to provide some services to people who cannot afford to pay for their hospitalization. For more information about hospitals covered by the Hill-Burton Act, call 1-800-638-0742.
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: Prescription drug coverage is now available through Medicare Part D. Also, visit the Prescription Medicine FAQ page on this website for information on the Delaware Prescription Assistance Program as well as private sources of support in paying for prescription drugs.
  • PRIVATE FUNDS: Private funds may be available to help you pay your medical bills. Many disease and disability-related, civic, social welfare and religious organizations have funds available for  emergency or short-term medical needs. In addition, sometimes families ask their local newspapers to feature an article about their family’s situation and ask readers to donate money toward the cost of a particular device or piece of equipment.
  • STATE COUNCIL FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (SCPD): Applications from traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors are considered on a case by case basis by the TBI Fund Committee to determine funding eligibility for short-term therapy, treatment, or necessary equipment that is not paid by healthcare insurance. 

    To learn more or to submit an application to the TBI Fund, please click here:  

    To see a photo gallery of the types of things Delaware’s Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Fund can help TBI Survivors obtain, please click here:
