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Client Placement Forms and Procedures

The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health has provided the following list of ClientPlacement Forms & Procedures:

Emergency Detention and Provisional Admission Forms

  • 24 Hour Emergency DetentionForm  (Updated March 29, 2022)
    To be used for 24-hour emergency detention. Detainment shall not exceed 24 hours after transfer to adesignated psychiatric facility.
  • Initial BehavioralHealth Assessment Form(Added May 16, 2013)
  • Psychiatrists' Certificate forProvisional Hospitalization (Civil Commitment Form)(Updated March 29, 2022)
    The Civil Commitment is to be completed only by a psychiatrist and may be used to hospitalize a personwho is unable or unwilling to consent to voluntary treatment, is deemed to be a threat to himself, othersor property or who is unable to make responsible decisions about his or her treatment and care. To beused by a psychiatrist in the event of determining an individual's non-amenability to outpatient treatment.
  • Transportation ReimbursementForm  (Uploaded April 26, 2013)
    To be used by law enforcement agencies requesting reimbursement for transfer of a client to a designatedpsychiatric facility. This is the only form that will be accepted after June 30, 2013.

Consumer Reporting Forms

  • Community and HospitalCoordinated Care Form   (Uploaded December 12, 2013)
    To enhance care coordination, as part of ongoing quality improvement, this form is mandatory for allinteractions with client receiving inpatient care at DPC. Community Service Providers must complete andsign this form and submit to Admissions upon signing out.
  • 2011 CRF Changes   (Uploaded April18, 2011)
    Several modifications to the CRF field data will go into effect July 1, 2011. These modifications arecurrently being finalized by the dedicated  DSAMH staff. Please click the link above to reviewthe Uploaded specifications.
  • Annual Consumer Reporting Form (CRF)  (Uploaded August 7, 2017)
    The Annual CRF form is completed for DSAMH Community Mental Health (CMH) clients annually based on theanniversary date of their admission to the program. Paper copies are submitted to the DSAMH MIS unit monthlyfor entry into the database. This information is critical since it provides information about client progressin long term programs and is used in the National Outcome Measurement System (NOMS) reported annuallyto the federal government.
  • Annual Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Coding Manual  (Uploaded July 27, 2011)
    Coding Manual specific to the Annual Consumer Reporting Form.
  • Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Admissions  (Uploaded August 7, 2017)
    The Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) is a data collection tool that provides information about clients inDSAMH-funded programs. This form is used at admission to the treatment unit. Mental health programs useDSM-5 diagnosis form in addition to the two page admission and the two page discharge forms. By usingthe CRF to obtain demographic and background information on clients, DSAMH can better understand the clientswho utilize its services. DSAMH also uses the CRF form to assess its success in treating community andinpatient populations.  
  • Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Discharge  (Uploaded February 15, 2017)
    This form is used during discharge from the treatment unit.
  • Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Detox Discharge  (Uploaded July 27, 2011)
    The Detox Discharge form is the Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) used by the detox program under contractto DSAMH. The Detox Discharge form is truncated from the regular CRF discharge form because many of thedata items normally collected on a CRF discharge haven't changed during the short intervention providedby the Detox Program under contract to DSAMH.
  • Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Hospital Discharge  (Uploaded August 7, 2017)
    The Hospital Discharge form is the Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) used by the private Inpatient Facilities(Psychiatric Hospitals) under contract to DSAMH. The Hospital Discharge form is truncated from the regularCRF discharge form because many of the data items normally collected on a CRF discharge haven't changed during the short intervention provided by the Inpatient Facilities (Psychiatric Hospitals) under contractto DSAMH.
  • Consumer Reporting Form (CRF) Diagnosis  (Uploaded August 7, 2017)
    This form is used during admission and discharge to and from the Mental Health treatment unit.
  • Intra-agency Transfer Form(Uploaded February 2, 2002)
    Use this form for transferring individuals between DSAMH treatment units.  Text - Intragency Transfer
  • Consumer Reporting Form Training Manual(Uploaded April 28, 2013)
  • CRF Specifications and Programmer Documentation(Uploaded December 14, 2016)
  • Referral Agency List(Uploaded September 12th, 2024)
    Form for reporting critical incidents
  • Critical Incident Reporting Form(Uploaded February 19, 2016)
    This list provides the current agency codes to be used on Consumer Reporting Forms

EEU Forms and Procedures

Eligibility and Enrollment Unit Procedures

Certification Forms

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