Current Suspected Overdose Deaths in Delaware for 2025: Get Help Now!
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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
The Office of Consumer Affairs acts as a conduit for consumer opinions and views which will be integrated into our policy and our programs. The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) is committed to being responsive to consumers. That means that the Division will listen to comments and complaints from consumers and has organized a consumer group to provide input into our planning process. In 2013, DSAMH launched a new Consumer Issue Resolution Hotline 855 number for clients who are experiencing issues with the Delaware mental health and substance use treatment system. The number, 855.649.7944, is answered by the Director of Consumer Affairs during business hours and will record caller messages in the event the Director is not available (after hours).
The Office of Consumer Affairs performs advocacy services for consumers who are receiving treatment from the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health by direct or contracted provider agencies, either a mental health or an substance use provider.
Contact the Office of Consumer Affairs for more information about advocacy.
The Delaware Consumer Recovery Coalition (DCRC)is a statewide, mental health advocacy organization devoted to individual transformation, systems transformation, and community inclusion for all Delawareans recovering from mental illnesses. DCRC holds monthly meetings in each county in Delaware. The purpose is to gather for mutual support, self-help and advocacy. Find meeting times and locations on DCRC's website,
A peer specialist is a consumer who, through training and experience, works to support peers who need the support. A peer specialist is in the process of recovering from a mental illness and/or addiction. Peer specialists can run support groups, participate in training opportunities for other consumers, and participate on treatment teams to advocate for resources needed by consumers. A peer specialist shares their lived experience as a way of helping other consumers. Peer specialists will be hired by the Delaware Psychiatric Center in the capacities of peer support specialist and bridge peer specialist. A bridge peer specialist helps consumers as they transition from one level of care to another. All peer specialists will have training in facilitating support groups.
This section serves as a Consumer Self-Help Center. It includes links to many resources, such as information about medication, support groups, agencies, as well as other useful information. Trauma Information:What you need to know about TRAUMA(Booklet) What you need to know about TRAUMA(Print Friendly) Comforting Environments: Comfort and Comforting Environments Powerpoint Presentation Reports and Research There is a growing body of research relating to the recovery and wellness of individuals with a mental health and/or substance use condition. This section will be updated with new reports and research as they are introduced to the health care community. Be sure to check back for updates!
Self-Help Groups
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