Advisory Councils - Delaware Health and Social Services - State of Delaware

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Advisory Councils

The Division for the Visually Impaired cannot function adequately without consistent input from our community. The following groups meet on a consistent basis to inform DVI and other related state organizations on the direction and effectiveness of the work we do. To learn more about getting involved in any of the State of Delaware's advisory councils please review the application found on the at the Governor's website.

You are welcome to attend any of these meetings as interested members of the public without having to join the committee(s). Please check the Statewide Calendar for all meeting times and locations.

Advisory Council on the Blind

This Council serves in an advisory capacity to the State of Delaware on matters that impact persons with visual impairments or blindness. The Council considers matters relating to the general supervision and control of the education, training and welfare of blind and visually impaired persons residing in Delaware. The Council shall also consider such other matters as may be referred to it by the Governor, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services, and/or the Administration of the Division for the Visually Impaired. The Council may study, research, plan and advise the Administration, Secretary, and Governor on matters it deems appropriate to enable the Division for the Visually Impaired to function in the best possible manner.

This Council normally meets the first Friday of each month (except in July).

Vocational Rehabilitation Advisory Council to DVI (VRAC-DVI)

This Council, mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is comprised of advocates, consumers, government representatives and the business community from all corners of the state. The VRAC serves as a liaison between the state agency for the blind, The Division for the Visually Impaired, and their consumers, those individuals who are blind or visually impaired in the state of Delaware.

This Council meets on a monthly basis.

Independent Living Advisory Council (ILAC)

The purpose of the Independent Living Advisory Committees to provide guidance in the development and expansion of the Independent Living Services program on a statewide basis to DVI, as well as to the State Independent Living Council (SILC), through DVI. The committee is appointed by the Director of DVI. For additional information or an application, please contact DVI at 302-255-9800.

This Council meets on a quarterly basis.
