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Goal: Striving to determine Assistive Technology options that are suitable for you and provide training on how to use these tools.
Does sending emails, using the internet, typing a document or reading materials present challenges?
The Division for the Visually Impaired Technology Trainer/Educator offers training assistance with:
The Technology Trainer/Educator evaluates strengths and detects training needs according to individual goals. Training is provided to prepare our clients to effectively use assistive technology in employment, educational settings after high school or community living. Training is provided here in our labs and, when necessary, at the client's workplace or other facility.
Prior to establishing specific training goals, a baseline assessment of the client's skills and knowledge is conducted. For our referrals that are associated with our Vocational Rehabilitation program, a job description is essential for a comprehensive assessment.
Our Training and Technology Center strives to provide a variety of resources of assistive and adaptive technology. The Trainer/Educator will demonstrate and provide instruction on the device features and capabilities.
The Trainer/Educator holds "Information Sessions" on assistive technologies designed for the blind and visually impaired. In addition, they serve as consultants to those who seek advisement to overcome barriers that may exist with current business processes that are preventing the blind and visually impaired to succeed in reaching their goals.
We strongly encourage our clients to utilize our Computer Labs to strengthen and refine their keyboarding skills. We can create an account on one of the computers and help you get started with the typing program so that you can practice at your own pace independently.
Accessibility to computers, tablets, phones and other portable devices often comes in the form of tools created expressly for disabled users. Apple products have accessibility built right in to these mainstream devices and their operating systems. These built-in options that let users enable alternative input and output methods have made Apple's mobile devices so important to the progress of accessibility.
The Trainer/Educator provides guidance and training on setting up and using VoiceOver, Zoom, and Voice Input features with the device so that you can use your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch independently.
Need to practice your skills?
Visit our Computer Labs to independently work on your projects and practice the skills that have been introduced and taught to you by your Trainer/Educator. The Computer Labs are equipped with personal computers and Apple products equipped with a variety of screen reading and screen magnification software. Printing, braille embossing, video magnifiers, and a telephone are also in both labs for client use.
Our Computer Labs are located at both our Biggs and Milford DVI locations. The Computer Labs are open, daily from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
No appointment is necessary to use the Computer Labs.