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DHSS Press Release

Rita Landgraf, Secretary
Jill Fredel, Director of Communications
302-255-9047, Cell 302-357-7498

Date: June 30, 2016


DOVER (June 30, 2016) - The Division of Public Health (DPH) recommended again today that patients of Concord Medical Spine and Pain Center who had invasive procedures performed at the facility contact their health care provider to be evaluated for bloodborne diseases such as hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Earlier this spring, DPH sent a letter to patients of Concord Medical Spine and Pain Center encouraging them to talk to their medical providers about hepatitis and HIV testing, particularly if they had invasive procedures involving injections or procedures that included puncturing the skin, such as spinal or epidural injections. DPH is now reiterating that message. Letters were sent to any patient seen by Concord in the last four years; approximately 2,600 people. DPH is issuing another letter to patients this week out of an excess of caution.

DPH ordered the closure of Concord Medical Spine and Pain Center, located at 6 Sharpley Road, Wilmington, on Monday, March 7, 2016, after the facility was unable to confirm that proper sterilization processes were followed. The investigation revealed possible issues related to unsafe injection practices. The facility has since reopened after ceasing all practices that are legally considered invasive procedures.

"DPH recognizes this news could be concerning and we want to provide the patients of Concord Medical Spine and Pain Center with as much information as possible," said Division of Public Health Director Dr. Karyl Rattay. "While we don't wish to cause unnecessary concern, we also wanted to make certain again the patients are aware of the potential health risks."

DPH has provided three potential testing options for the patients of Concord Medical Spine and Pain Center:

For further information on when the state closes a medical facility, visit general questions about HIV or hepatitis transmission, call 302-744-1055.

A person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-disabled can call the DPH phone number above by using TTY services. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-232-5460 to type your conversation to a relay operator, who reads your conversation to a hearing person at DPH. The relay operator types the hearing person's spoken words back to the TTY user. To learn more about TTY availability in Delaware, visit

Delaware Health and Social Services is committed to improving the quality of the lives of Delaware's citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations. DPH, a division of DHSS, urges Delawareans to make healthier choices with the 5-2-1 Almost None campaign: eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables each day, have no more than 2 hours of recreational screen time each day (includes TV, computer, gaming), get 1 or more hours of physical activity each day, drink almost no sugary beverages.

Delaware Health and Social Services is committed to improving the quality of the lives of Delaware's citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations.
