This page links to data resources about cancer in Delaware; new data links will be added as they become available. 
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2017-2021 [PDF] New!
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data Tables for Delaware, 2017-2021 [PDF] New!
- Colorectal Cancer Data Brief, Incidence and Mortality, 2016-2020
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2016-2020
- Census Tract Level Cancer Incidence in Delaware, 2016-2020
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data Tables for Delaware, 2016-2020
- Lung Cancer Data Brief, Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Prostate Cancer Data Brief, Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Census Tract Level Cancer Incidence in Delaware, 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data Tables for Delaware, 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Breast Cancer Data Brief, Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2014-2018 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2013-2017 [PDF]
- Census Tract-Level Cancer Incidence in Delaware. 2013-2017 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2012-2016 [PDF]
- Secondary Analysis of Delaware Census Tracts with Elevated All-Site Cancer Incidence Rates, 2012-2016 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2011-2015 [PDF]
- Secondary Analysis of Delaware Census Tracts with Elevated All-Site Cancer Incidence Rates, 2011-2015 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2009-2013, report issued July 2017 [PDF 177 pages]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware, 2006-2010, report issued February 2014 [PDF 161 pages]
- 2014 Analysis of Delaware’s Census Tracts with Elevated Overall Cancer Rates, 2006–2010 [PDF]
- Millsboro Inhalation Exposure and Biomonitoring Study , report issued May 2013 [PDF 91 pages]
- PowerPoint Slide Show About Delaware Cancer Mortality from 1995-2009 [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware: 2005-2009 , report issued April 2013 [PDF 302 pages]
- 2013 Analysis of Census Tracts with Consistently Elevated Cancer Rates [PDF]
- 2013 Analysis of Census Tracts with 2005-09 Elevated Cancer Rates [PDF]
- 2013 Analysis of Census Tracts with 2004-08 Elevated Cancer Rates [PDF]
- 2012 Analysis of Census Tracts with 2003-07 Elevated Cancer Rates [PDF]
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Delaware: 2003-2007 , report issued March 2012 [PDF 202 pages]
- 2010 Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report [PDF]
- Lung Cancer in Sussex County, Delaware: Findings from the Indian River Community-Level Survey; October 2009 [PDF file]
- 2008 Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report [PDF]
- New Report on Delaware Average Annual Age-Adjusted Cancer Incidence Rates at the Sub-County Level, April 2008 PDF Version. [Also Available as a Text-Only File]
- 2007 Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report, PDF Version of the November 2007 report. [Text-only Version]
- Indian River Cancer Cluster Investigation Report, PDF version of the August 2007 report. [ Cancer Cluster Report as a Text-only File]
- Looking Back: Results of a Retrospective Survey of Delawareans Diagnosed with Cancer, PDF file of the report released in July 2007. [Text-only Version of the Study Report]
- Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates Report, PDF file of the report issued in November 2006.
[Text-only Version of Report]
- Disparities in Cancer Incidence and Mortality Among Delaware Residents,1998-2002, PDF file of the report dated June 2006. [Text-only Version]
- Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates Report (2005), PDF file of the report issued in April 2005. [Text Version of Report without Graphs]
- Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates Report (2004), PDF file of the report issued in February 2004. [Text Version of Report]
- Delaware Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) – includes data on cancer testing, tobacco use, obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption and other risk factors.
- Youth Risk Behavior Data – from the Drug-Free Delaware Data Clearinghouse website.
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