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Past Reports Available From Cancer Consortium

Cancer Consortium Reports
Year 4 Update Year 3 Update
Coverof 2008 Delaware Cancer Consortium Report Coverof 2007 Delaware Cancer Consortium Report
Turning Commitment Into Action

The Delaware Cancer Consortium released the final progress report on its first four-year plan, Turning Commitment Into Action, in 2008; and began working on its second four-year plan.

William W. Bowser, Esq., chair of the Delaware Cancer Consortium, wrote in the introduction: "In 2002, Governor Minner commissioned a task force to report on cancer in Delaware. It led to the development of a roadmap—a four-year plan—that stated measurable goals. As we accomplished the things we set out to do, we developed clarity along the way that guided our actions."

"To say that we have done our job would be inaccurate. Cancer is a complex disease. There is still more to do." said Mr. Bowser. "As we move forward we will continue to make a difference in the lives of all Delawareans."

Among the report’s highlights:

  • Delaware’s cancer incidence rate decreased four times as much as the nation’s rate, and our cancer death rate has declined twice as much as the national average.
  • Increased colorectal cancer screening rates among African Americans (39.6 percent in 1999 to 64 percent in 2005) and Caucasians (45.3 percent in 1999 to 69.3 percent in 2005).
  • Reduced the adult smoking rate by 24.4 percent—fewer than one in five Delawareans smokes.
  • Reduced the youth smoking rate by 16.5 percent.
  • The Delaware Cancer Treatment Program, the first of its kind in the country, served more than 384 patients. The program pays for up to two years of cancer treatment for uninsured Delaware residents.
  • Screening for Life provided 2,184 colorectal cancer screenings, of these 74% were colonoscopies—and 978 polyps were removed.
  • A promotional campaign for radon testing of Delaware homes generated a 300% increase in the number of public inquiries about radon. The Delaware Healthy Homes campaign received more than 2,400 visits to its website following the launch of the campaign.
  • Screening for Life screened more than 2,000 uninsured or underinsured Delawareans.
  • Cancer Care Coordination program served over 1,300 Delawareans and their families, providing more than 18,000 personal interventions to enable/expedite medical referrals, handling of financial issues, acquisition of equipment or treatment needs, or delivery of psychosocial services.

The Consortium continued to focus on closing gaps for disparity groups.

The current report, and the previous two annual reports, are available as PDF files:

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