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The Physical Activity, Nutrition,
and Obesity Prevention Program

The Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) Program is in the Division’s Bureau of Health Promotion. A variety of behavioral, social, economic, and environmental factors influence our health. The PANO program uses a public health approach to addressing the role of physical activity and nutrition in improving health and preventing chronic diseases for all Delawareans.

The prevalence of obesity among Delaware adults increased from 27 percent in 2012 to about 38 percent in 2022, and the prevalence is trending upward. In 2022, nearly three-quarters of Delaware adults were overweight or obese. To address this major public health challenge, our PANO program promotes policies and systems changes, and implements programs and strategies in the following areas:

Physical Activity
thumbnail photo of woman exercising

Healthy Eating
thumbnail photo of healthy foods

Obesity Prevention
thumbnail photo of feet on a scale


All Delawareans will lead healthy lifestyles.


Our mission is to provide goals and strategies for government, media, communities, health care providers, schools, and worksites to decrease overweight and obesity in Delaware.

Program Strategic Directions:

The PANO Program will create healthier individuals and communities across multiple initiatives by building capacity to implement evidence-based policy, programmatic, environmental and infrastructure changes. Strategies target:

  • Healthy and Safe Community Environments
  • Clinical and Community Preventive Services
  • Empowered People
  • Elimination of Health Disparities

PANO Partners

PANO Resources

PANO Reports & Publications


Contact the Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention office.

