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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
Screening for Life offers free screening tests for breast, cervical, colon, lung, and prostate cancer. You may be eligible if you:
Delaware Residents are eligible for Screening for Life if they have a household income between 139% and 250% of the Federal Poverty Level. The Federal Poverty Level is based on annual household income and household size. A household consists of the individual, their spouse, and all dependent children under 18 years of age.
Delaware Residents with an annual household income between 139% and 250% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for Screening for Life if they are deemed ineligible for Medicaid. Please refer to the Federal Poverty Guidelines that match the year in which you are applying for enrollment. The URL address is:
— or —
The SFL program does not reimburse for co-pays or co-insurances.
The program does provide reimbursement for persons who have a high deductible relative to their income. If your deductible is equal to or higher than 15% of your income, you may be eligible for SFL—if you meet all the other eligibility requirements.
Client Enrollment Form
Applicant Self-Attestation Form
Delaware Residency Verification Form
Employment Verification Form ( Applicant )
Employment Verification Form ( Spouse / Parent Guardian )
Financial Support Verification Form
Eligibility and Acceptable Information
Information Sheet ( What is SFL / HCC? )
Please Note:These forms require legal size (8.5" x 11") paper.
Three of the most commonly diagnosed cancers -- breast, colorectal, and prostate -- can be detected in their earliest stages.
Routine cancer screenings can increase the chances of finding cancer early, and treating it.
The chart below indicates the age at which you should be screened and how often.
Cancer Type | Recommended Age | Screening | How Often | Other Actions |
Breast |
Physical examination of breasts by a health care provider 1 and Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)
Annually |
Breast self-awareness 2 and Risk assessment 3 (Regularly) |
Cervical |
Women 21 and older 4,5 |
Pelvic Exam |
Annually |
N/A |
Colon | Men & Women 45 and Older 4,5 | FIT Test Colonoscopy Cologuard |
Annually Every 10 years Every 3 years |
N/A |
Lung |
Men and women 50-80 who:
Low-dose CT scan | Talk to your health care provider to determine if a lung cancer screening is recommended. | N/A |
Prostate |
Average Risk: Men 50 & Older 4,5 High Risk: Men 45 or older, including African Americans and men with a first-degree relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age (defined as younger than 65 years). Higher Risk: Men 40 and older - men with more than one first-degree relative who had prostate cancer at an early age (less than 65 years old). 4,5 |
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test with or without a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) | Talk to your health care provider to determine if a prostate screening is recommended. | N/A |
Per Screening for Life guidelines dated July 2021.
1 For women of average risk for breast cancer.
2 Become familiar with the normal look and feel of breasts, reportng any changes to a health care provider.
3 Determination of breast cancer risk based on age, family history, genetics, and personal medical and lifestyle histories.
4 Talk with your doctor about individual screening recommendations.
5 Individuals with a family history of cancer may qualify for screening at an early age.
For more information call the Screening for Life Program or 2-1-1 toll-free and ask for Screening for Life.