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Safe Kids Delaware Coalition is a non-profit organization established in 1989, comprised of volunteers dedicated to reducing unintentional childhood injury in children from birth to age 19. The Delaware Division of Public Health serves as the lead agency. An affiliate of Safe Kids Worldwide®, we are a state coalition, led by a board of directors, with active chapters in each county.
Unintentional Injury is the leading cause of death and disability in our most precious resource, our children. Each year injuries kill more children than disease, kidnapping and drugs combined. Our goal is to raise awareness of the current preventable injury issues in Delaware, educate individuals in vital injury prevention strategies, and motivate them to participate in our vision for an injury-free life for all children.
Since its inception, the Coalition has provided a myriad of child safety educational events and activities for children and their parents as well as professionals. We participate in community health and safety fairs. We provide child passenger safety education and car seat inspections. We work in conjunction with our schools, communities, neighborhoods, and religious and social leaders to teach bicycle safety and proper helmet use. Students benefit from our helmet distribution program, bike rodeos and also learn safe pedestrian behaviors. Throughout the year we hold multiple fire and burn safety awareness events with smoke detector distribution. Every other year we partner with EMSC (Emergency Medical Services for Children) for the statewide Childhood Injury Prevention Conference. We provide Consumer Product Safety recall information to individuals and organizations as requested. We teach poison prevention using the Poison Control Center of Philadelphia program. Some other areas of focused education include gun safety, water safety, playground safety, and fall prevention.
Unintentional injury is the number one cause of death among children ages 19 and under in the United States. Also, each year one out of every four children needs medical attention for an unintentional injury. The most common causes of unintentional injury are:
Safe Kids Delaware is one of more than 300 grassroots coalitions in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico that bring together health and safety experts, educators, corporations, foundations, governments and volunteers to educate and protect families. Safe Kids USA is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a global network of organizations dedicated to preventing unintentional injury.
Througout the world, almost one million children die of an injury each year, and almost every one of these tragedies is preventable.
There is no simple way, no one device or solution, to effectively prevent all types of unintentional childhood injuries.
Instead, Safe Kids combines several factors to create programs that reduce injuries:
Since our founding in 1988, the U.S. child injury death rate has declined 61 percent. Keeping children safe is an investment — in their lives and in the future of our world. With education, resources, and better laws to protect our children, we are making a difference.
Coalitions provide leadership to their communities in the effort to reduce unintentional childhood injury. They identify and target the injury problems most prevalent in their local areas. Then, by calling on the combined resources of their diverse membership, they plan and implement strategies to address those problems. Safe Kids Coalitions are located in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties.
Partner with us and help prevent the number one cause of death for children ages 14 and under. We share a common goal, ensuring the safety and well being of children in our communities. We believe that with your insight and involvement, together we can reach our goal.
If you are interested in becoming part of Safe Kids Delaware, please complete this application files/safekidsform.pdf and return to us at the address below or email it to us.
Safe Kids Delaware, P.O. Box 1077, Dover, DE 19903
For more information on car seat fitting stations, visit
For more information, please contact the program office.
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