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Delaware Healthy Homes

Children in Healthy Homes - Make sure your home is a healthy one.


Children may be exposed to dangers you hadn't thought of -- dangers you can find right in your home. Smaller bodies, more hand to mouth contact, even playing on floors and other surfaces contribute to children being affected by small amounts of chemicals in common cleaning products. Thousands of children are poisoned in the home each year by household products.

To learn more about the potential problems that may occur in your household and the threats these hazards pose to your children, select a house below:

What and where are these pollutant sources?

  • Consumer products
    • Air fresheners and deodorizers
    • Cleaners and disinfectants
    • Pesticides
  • Personal activities
    • Use and storage of chemicals
    • Smoking
    • Hobbies
  • Environmental conditions
    • Mold and moisture
    • Dust

What are the risks?

  • Respiratory Problems
    • Mold and household dusts can trigger asthma attacks.
    • Common cleaning and household products can cause respiratory distress if used improperly.
  • Lead Based Paint
    • Lead based paint is a known danger that can severly affect the development of children.
  • Other Dangers
    • Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas released by combustion appliances. Carbon monoxide can cause headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. Inhaling high levels of CO can cause loss of consciousness and death.

Select a house below to learn more:

Hyperlink to Healthy Homes - Cleaning Products -
Cleaning Products. Hyperlink to Healthy Homes - Drinking Water - Drinking Water.
Hyperlink to Healthy Homes - Lead Paint - Lead. Hyperlink to Healthy Homes - Pesticides - Pesticides.  

Important Links



Creating a
Healthy Home


Keeping Homes
Healthy and
Safe for Children

(Keeping Homes
Healthy and
Safe for Children
Spanish Version

5 Simple Ways
to Protect
Your Child

(5 Simple Ways
to Protect
Your Child
Spanish Version

Indoor Air Pollutants

Asbestos Fibers

Biological Pollutants

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Formaldehyde/Pressed Wood Products

Lead-Based Paint

Nitrogen Dioxide



Respirable Particles (Dust)

Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Hyperlink to Healthy Homes Main Page - Back to Healthy Homes Main Page

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