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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Block Grant

Subject: Notice of the Draft FY 2022-2023 Combined Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan

Only comments regarding the DSAMH Draft Combined Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan should be submitted during this comment period. Comments related to other topics should not be submitted using this process.

The block grant application process requires the collection of public comments. Comments submitted during the comment period will be reviewed by the Delaware Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH), and may be used to enhance the application prior to the completion and submission of the final draft. In addition, all comments will be compiled into a single document that includes the DSAMH’s responses. This document will be made available and posted here within 60-days of the completion and submission of the State’s Block Grant Application to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

DSAMH would like to offer interested persons the opportunity to review its FFY 2022-2023 Behavioral Health Assessment Plan for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program (SABG).

The SABG program is designed to provide funds to States, Territories, and one Indian Tribe for the purpose of planning, implementing and evaluating activities to prevent and treat substance use disorder (SUD.

The entire SABG application is a web-based process and as such can be viewed at to review the plans, please take the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the username and password (these are case sensitive): ​
    • Username - citizende ​
    • Password - citizen
  3. Select "View Existing Applications" from the top tabs
  4. Select "FFY 2022-2023 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Services Block Grant Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan "
  5. Select  "View Application"
  6. To review the plan, click to download the pdf file.

All are welcome to review the assessment and plan and provide comments to DSAMH. Public comments can be emailed to Please use the subject line “Block Grant  Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan Public Comments”


Please clearly identify the issues within the draft on which you are commenting. If you are commenting on a word, phrase or sentence, provide the page number, and paragraph citation from the draft.

Although DSAMH receives and appreciates all comments, constructive comments (either positive or negative) are the most likely to have an influence. If you disagree with a proposed action, service and/or policy, suggest an alternative and include an explanation and/or analysis of how the alternative might meet the same objective or be more effective. Please also note that the comment process is not a vote. DSAMH is attempting to formulate the best services and policies, so when crafting a comment, it is important that you adequately explain the reasoning behind your position. It is most helpful if you would identify your credentials and experience that may distinguish your comments from others. If you are commenting in an area in which you have relevant personal or professional experience (i.e., scientist, attorney, family member, community organization, etc.) please say so. When possible, support your comment with substantive data, facts, and/or expert opinions. You may also provide personal experience in your comment, as may be appropriate. By supporting your comments/arguments, you are more likely to influence the agency decision-making.

DISCLAIMER: Throughout this document, the term “Comment” is used in place of the more technically accurate term “Public Submission” to make the recommendations easier to read and understand. Disclaimer: This document is intended to serve as a guide; it is not intended and should not be considered as legal advice. Please seek counsel from a lawyer if you have legal questions or concerns.  
