1901 N. Du Pont Highway, Biggs Bldg.
New Castle, DE 19720
DMS ARMS: (302)255-9010
DMS IRM: (302)255-9150
DSS: (302)255-9500
DVI: (302) 255-9800
DVI DIB: (302) 255-9855

Built: |
circa 1952 |
Hours: |
Purpose: |
The Biggs Building contains parts of three DHSS divisions. Its occupants provide administrative,
business related and client services functions.
Division of Management Services(DMS)
- Audit and Recovery Management Services (ARMS)
- Information Resource Management(IRM) (or Biggs Data Center)
Division of Social Services(DSS)
- DCIS II PC Support
- Deloitte & Touche Consultants
Division for the Visually Impaired(DVI)
- Administrative:
- Director's Office
- Fiscal Operations
- Agency
- Business Enterprise Program(BEP)
- Delaware Industries for the Blind (DIB)
- Business Related Functions:
- Business Enterprise Program(BEP)
- Delaware Industries for the Blind(DIB) - Promotional Products
Client Services:
- Education Services
- Case management, referrals, services, birth to graduation or age 21
- Independent Living Services
- Case Management, Referral Services
- Orientation and Mobility (travel skills training)
- Training Center Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Providing services or devices to obtain or maintain employment
Directions: |
Please follow the written directions or the red dots on the map below to the Biggs
- Right from Route 13 South(North duPont Highway) into Delaware Health and Social Services'(DHSS) Herman M. Holloway Campus
- Right onto DHSS traffic circle
- Right onto North Loop (1st turn or "A" on the map)
- Left at first intersection(point "Q" on the map)
- The Biggs Building is the first building on the right.
- There are six entrances to the Biggs Building which are indicated on the map below as follows:
- DMS IRM - red circle
- DMS ARMS - red triangle
- DSS DCIS II - red "X"
- DVI/DIB- red square
Likewise, the back entrance to DIB can be obtained by following the directions on the Biggs Gym
- DVI/DIB Promotional Products Showroom - red "+"