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The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), administered by the State of Delaware, Division of State Service Centers, Office of Community Services provides core funding to local agencies to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities and to em-power low-income families to become self-sufficient. The CSBG is currently authorized under the 1998 CSBG Act. There are three national CSBG program Goals: Goal 1: Individuals and families with low incomes are stable and achieve economic security. Goal 2: Communities where people with low incomes live are healthy and offer economic opportunity. Goal 3: People with low incomes are engaged and active in building opportunities in communities. The State of Delaware subcontracts these services through its only Community Action Agency, First State Community Action Agency, Inc. First State has been Delaware's sole eligible entity since May of 1994 (22 YEARS). The agency subcontracts part of its allotment for case management services in New Castle and Kent Counties with seven or more nonprofits every year. First State operates a variety of programs designed to educate, motivate, and support persons on the road to self-sufficiency. These programs focus on: Emergency Assistance, Seniors, Family Resources, Housing, Training & Employment and, Youth Services.

For more information regarding the Community Services Block Grant, please contact:
Division of State Service Centers
Herman Holloway Campus
Charles Debnam Building - Office of Community Services
ATTN: CSBG Administrator
1901 N. Dupont Highway
New Castle, DE 19720
Tel: (302) 255-9875
Fax: (302) 255-4463
