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DSP Page

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)

Skilled, compassionate care for people with disabilities.

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) help people with physical and intellectual disabilities live meaningful, fulfilling lives in their communities. The role of a DSP is as diverse as people are, providing individualized and person-centered care and supports to each person receiving services. They are essential members of a team that supports individual health, personal growth, and community inclusion. Above all, DSPs are skilled professionals who provide compassionate care, empowering people with disabilities to lead active and meaningful lives.

Reach your full potential, while helping others reach theirs.

For all that DSPs give to others, they get just as much back. The roles offer fulfillment, skill expression, growth, and career advancement, plus the chance to be part of something larger. To make a true difference in the community and in the life of another. It takes a special kind of person to be a DSP. Check out DSP job opportunities below - and be a part of the WE.

 Autism DE Logo Bancroft Logo Benchmark Logo CIS Logo
Conexio Logo     DCS Logo Easter Seals Logo Elwyn Logo
Forward Journey Logo KenCrest Logo Merakey Logo Seacare Logo
                                                Tobola Logo Village of Hope Logo

Finding Success Together


Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement and Development for DSPs!

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