The service recipient will be assigned an Employment Navigator that will help develop the employment plan, help connect the service recipient to employment services, and ensure services are being delivered in accordance with the plan.
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The Division of Developmental Disabilities Services affirms that employment and participation in their communities is an important part of the lives of the individuals it serves. Pathways to Employment is a program designed to support low-income individuals with disabilities in Delaware who want to work. The program helps participants get prepared for work, find jobs, and succeed in the workplace.
In order to participate in the Pathways to Employment program an individual must:
*Individuals with mental health support needs are served by a similar program called PROMISE.
Pathways to Employment participants receive employment-related services to meet their individual needs. Services available through Pathways to Employment include:
The service recipient will be assigned an Employment Navigator that will help develop the employment plan, help connect the service recipient to employment services, and ensure services are being delivered in accordance with the plan.
Person-centered employment planning services that help the service recipient identify a career plan and identify jobs that match their interests, abilities and skills.
This service is designed for those that want to work and/or are employed but need continued support, skills training in order to obtain employment, maintain their employment, or increase their employment status (such as obtaining additional hours or higher level positions). This service can be delivered as Individual Supported Employment (1 staff to 1 service recipient) or Small Group Supported Employment (1 staff to a range of service recipients, 2-4, that work together as a "crew").
This service provides tools to help the service recipient and/or family to understand how to have a job and still maintain necessary benefits.
This service will help the service recipient develop financial strategies identified through benefits counseling and increase the service recipient's economic self-sufficiency.
This service is available only when a service recipient has no other means of transportation and can only be used to gain access to employment services, activities, and resources related to employment. A Transportation Broker will arrange this service.
This service provides assistance with activities of daily living associated with getting ready for work or in the workplace. Services can be provided by a Home Health Agency, a Personal Assistance Services Agency (PASA), or be self-directed.
Orientation and mobility provides consumers training to develop the necessary skills to travel independently and safely. This is accomplished one on one with the usage of white canes, guide dogs, or other equipment. This is a sequential process where visually impaired individuals are taught to utilize their remaining senses to determine their position within their environment and to negotiate safe movement from one place to another.
Assistive technology is an item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities for service recipients. Also included in this service is an evaluation of technology need, training, custom fitting, maintenance, repair, etc. This service can only cover assistive technology that is not otherwise covered by traditional State Plan Medicaid.
Fill out the Pathways to Employment Application and send the completed form to
Employment First Act of 2014
Delaware Code, Chapter 7, Subchapter 5
Medicaid Authority
State Plan Amendment (SPA) - Section 1915(i) State Plan Home and Community Based Services: Pathways to Employment program approved effective January 1, 2022
Employment Related Resource(s)
Early Start to Supported Employment