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Division for the Visually Impaired

Mission: The Mission of DVI is to provide educational, vocational, and technical support to empower and foster independence for Delawareans with visual impairments.

DVI is open to the public and services are being provided in the environment(s) that meet participant needs. This includes work locations, homes, schools, and in the community. Please help us to maintain your safety and that of our dedicated staff by wearing masks and following proper Covid-19 protocols. Thank you for your cooperation.

Division for the Visually Impaired


Featured News

Calendar of Events.

Our Calendar of Events is provided by yearly quarter and is full of helpful sessions, workshops, and other training opportunities.

Business Enterprise Program.

We provide self-employment opportunities for qualified individuals. We also provide the highest level of quality food, courteous service, and competitive prices to our consumers.

Education Services Program.

Our agency provides assistance and support to families who have just learned that their child has a visual impairment. Infants and toddlers receive services in the home or at other settings.

Independent Living Services.

Losing some or all of your sight can be overwhelming and disorienting. The Independent Living Services (ILS) unit can provide you with adaptive techniques and devices that can help you maintain an independent lifestyle.

Low Vision Program.

This partnership revolves around the consumer, and the consumer's goals in conjunction with the expertise of the Contracted Low Vision Specialist and the Vision Rehabilitation Professional.

Instructional Materials / Resource Center.

The Instructional Materials and Resource Center (IMRC) provides Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) materials in alternate formats such as Braille, Large Print, and digital versions.

Orientation / Mobility Program.

The mission of O&M is to provide blind and visually impaired consumers of all ages with the opportunities to develop the skills necessary to achieve their goals.

Pathways to Employment.

The Pathways to Employment program is designed to support low-income teens and young adults with disabilities in Delaware who want to work.

Technology Training Services Program.

Our goal is to strive to determine Assistive Technology options that are suitable for you and provide training on how to use these tools.

DVI Volunteer Services

Volunteers in Delaware and the surrounding states contribute thousands of hours each year supporting the mission of the Division for the Visually Impaired.

Vocational Rehab Program.

These services remove barriers to obtaining or retaining employment that people who have visual impairments may face.
