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Independent Living Services

Do you ever ask yourself:

  • How can I read the newspaper or other fine print, even while wearing glasses?
  • How can I cook for my family if I cannot see the dial on the stove?
  • How can I identify money or pay bills?
  • Why do I feel sad, depressed, or anxious about vision loss?

Losing some or all of your sight can be overwhelming and disorienting. This vision loss affects the way you manage your daily activities. The Independent Living Services (ILS) unit can provide you with adaptive techniques and devices that can help you maintain an independent lifestyle. Our vision rehabilitation services equip people of all ages who are blind and visually impaired with the skills and confidence needed to meet daily challenges.

ILS provides training in various areas including:

  • Clothing Maintenance
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Organization
  • Meal Preparation
  • Kitchen Skills
  • Appliance Use
  • Time Management
  • Communication Skills
  • Financial Management

Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (VRT's) serve in a variety of roles, teaching techniques to people that address their individual needs. Despite the diversity of their roles, VRT's are clearly defined as service providers who emphasize providing rehabilitation instruction, guidance, and alternative techniques in daily living skills to people who have visual impairments.

Examples of other services that ILS provides:

  • Sensitivity Training provides information, education and an increased awareness to individuals regarding visual impairments.

    Participants can expect to:

    • Learn about various eye diseases
    • Perform tasks under simulation and blindfold
    • Learn about basic sighted guide techniques
    • Explore the world of assistive technology
    • Learn about what and what not to do when meeting a person with a visual impairment
    • Learn about low vision techniques and devices
  • Information and Referral Vision Rehabilitation Therapists provide specific, individualized information and referral assistance to consumers. This may include referrals to community partners for additional services, such as the peer support program.
  • Peer Support Program Trained visually impaired volunteers assist other adults in adjusting to their vision loss on a one-to-one basis, primarily through telephone contacts. This program is available statewide and is provided through community partners, such as the BlindSight Delaware and Blind Ambition Groups.
  • Communication Skills Vision Rehabilitation Therapists provide instruction in uncontracted and contracted Braille. Training in the use of video magnification devices is also available.

Getting started is easy! Simply contact Central Intake at 302-255-9848 to apply for Independent Living Services. Once a consumer is determined eligible for DVI services, the Vision Rehabilitation Therapist contacts the consumer to set up an appointment. At the initial appointment, an assessment is conducted where information is gathered from the consumer and verified, agency services are described and consumer goals are established. The length of time, the services needed and training schedule are determined by the training goals.
