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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023 logo

Medicaid & Medical Assistance


Important Information for Medicaid and CHIP Members

Delaware Medicaid Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023

On April 1, 2023, the DHSS Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) and the Division of Social Services (DSS) re-started annual Medicaid eligibility renewals.Don't risk a gap in your health coverage. Take action to keep your Medicaid or CHIP benefits.

Learn More About Medicaid Renewals

HCBS Home Health & Personal Care Services Rate Study

DMMA, with support from Mercer, conducted a review of payment rates for the following Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) — Attendant Care, Companion, Homemaker, Home Health Aide, Respite, and Chore. The aim of this project was to conduct a study of reimbursement to direct support professionals (DSPs) who serve DMMA’s Medicaid populations, primarily through the managed care program.

To evaluate the reasonableness of current reimbursement rates for services available to non-I/DD populations, Mercer reviewed current Medicaid payment levels in managed care, gathered input from stakeholders, and conducted analyses of publicly available data related to providers’ costs for service delivery. Many providers helpfully and critically participated in making the study a success.

On October 30, 2024, Mercer and DMMA hosted a Town Hall to review the findings and learn about the results of this rate study. A recording of the Town Hall can be found below and a copy of the slide deck reviewed can be found attached.

Click to view the final rate study here


Atención, miembros de Medicaid

Mensaje urgente - Las renovaciones de Medicaid de Delaware
se reiniciaron el 1 de abril de 2023.

En cumplimiento con la Ley de Apropiación Consolidada de 2023, las renovaciones de Medicaid de Delaware se reanudaránel 1 de abril de 2023. Para informar cambios en su nombre o su información de contacto (dirección de correo electrónico/postal, números de teléfono), llame al Centro para informar cambios al (302) 571-4900, opción 2, por fax al (302) 571-4901, o a través de su cuenta ASSIST de Delaware. También puede utilizar el autoservicio de ASSIST de Delaware para iniciar sesión y acceder a los mensajes de texto/correos electrónicos sobre sus beneficios. Para acceder a más información, visite la página sobre la COVID-19 de Medicaid de Delaware. Spanish: Usuarios TTY: 711 (Español 1-877-335-7595). Español, criollo haitiano, العربية, Tiếng Việt, u otros idiomas: 1-866-843-7212. No se arriesgue a perder sus beneficios de Medicaid de Delaware. ¡Prepárese ahora!

Atansyon tout Manm Medicaid yo

Mesaj Ijan - Renouvèlman Medicaid Delaware la te rekò manse nan dat 1ye Avril 2023.

An konfòmite ak Lwa sou Apwopriyasyon Konbine 2023, renouvèlman Medicaid Delaware la te rekòmanse nan dat 1ye avril 2023. Rele oswa kontakte Sant Rapò Chanjman an nan (302) 571-4900, Opsyon 2, pa faks nan (302) 571-4901, oswa atravè Kont Delaware ASSIST ou an, pou deklare nenpòt chanjman ki fèt nan non w oswa enfòmasyon pou kontakte w (adrès imèl/lapòs, nimewo telefòn). Ou kapab itilize sèvis Delaware ASSIST tou pou w enskri pou w ka resevwa mesaj tèks/imel konsènan avantaj ou yo. Vizite paj COVID-19 Medicaid Delaware la pou pi plis enfòmasyon. Haitian-Creole: Itilizatè TTY: 711 (Angle 1-800-232-5460 oswa Panyòl 1-877-335-7595). Panyòl, Kreyòl Ayisyen, العربية, Tiếng Việt, oswa lòt lang: 1-866-843-7212. Pa pran chans pèdi Medicaid Delaware ou a. Prepare w kounye a!| Customer Relations: (866) 843-7212 | Provider Relations: (800) 999-3371 | Health Benefits Manager: (800) 996-9969


Medical Assistance & Support Services

Customer Relations

Customer Relations

Customer Relations provides general information, referrals and assistance to DMMA and Division of Social Services applicants, clients, staff and others inquiring about Medicaid benefits and services. (302) 571-4900 or (866) 843-7212.

Provider Relations

Provider Relations

Provider Relations helps Delaware Medical Assistance Program (DMAP) Providers enroll in the Medicaid program, receive and respond to provider inquiries, verify client eligibility and aid in submitting electronic claims. (800) 999-3371.

Dental Resources

Dental Resources

The Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center can help eligible individuals find dental care and many other services. If you need a dentist for a child, use this Dentist Locator to find a dentist near you who sees children and accepts Medicaid and CHIP.

Administration Notices

Administration Notices

Administrative Notices are used to provide updates and instruction to operational staff on Medicaid policy.

Public Information & Statistics

Public Information & Statistics

Find monthly enrollment totals for Medicaid and CHIP plus other reports and information.

Health Benefits Manager

Health Benefits Manager

The Medicaid Health Benefits Manager helps you enroll in a Managed Care Organization (MCO) and understand your benefits and prescriptions. (800) 996-9969.

The State Plan

The State Plan

Delaware's Medicaid state plan is an agreement between the state and the federal government that describes how Delaware administers its Medicaid program. The plan gives an assurance that the state will abide by federal rules and may claim federal matching funds for its program activities. The state plan sets out groups of individuals to be covered, services to be provided, methodologies for providers to be reimbursed and the administrative activities underway in the state.

Delaware Healthy Children Program (CHIP)

Delaware Healthy Children Program (CHIP)

Delaware Healthy Children Program (CHIP) The Delaware Health Program (CHIP) is a partnership between the federal and state governments that provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

Choose Healthy DelawareCHOOSE HEALTH Learn how Delaware is working to make health care better. You'll get a chance to discuss with a panel of experts the things that matter most to you. Like evening and weekend doctors' hours, making sure medications and medical records are tracked and managed, coordinating your care with a team, and even how your neighborhood can help you get and stay healthy. Click here for more information.


Request for Professional Services REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The State of Delaware (State), Department of Health and Social Services (Department or DHSS), Division of Medicaid & Medical Assistance (DMMA) has released a Request for Professional Services for a Data Warehouse and Decision Support Systems (DW/DSS) and wishes to sign a contract for professional services with a primary contractor (Contractor). The release date was July 21, 2023, with responses due October 19, 2023. The estimated notification of award is December 4, 2023, with estimated completion of negotiations on December 31, 2023, and contract signed services to begin on August 29, 2024. Click here for more information. Click here for more information.



Email, Phone Numbers and Service Hotlines

Customer Relations: (866) 843-7212
Provider Relations: (800) 999-3371
Health Benefits Manager: (800) 996-9969

