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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
Under Medicaid's Disproportionate Share Hospital program (DSH), DMMA is authorized to make annual lump-sum supplemental Medicaid payments to qualified Delaware-based hospitals which serve a disproportionate share of Medicaid and low-income patients. Qualifying hospitals must have inpatient facilities located in Delaware, meet other federal and state requirements and in some cases must also have been enrolled as providers with DMMA's Managed Care Organizations and the Medicaid fee-for-service program in the consecutive 24 months immediately preceding the month of DSH payment.
An acute care hospital wishing to apply must submit a completed DSH application, which must be received by DMMA no later than 4:30 pm Eastern time Monday, February 3, 2025. For a psychiatric hospital, the deadline is 4:30 pm Monday, March 31, 2025. Please be aware that effective this year, hospitals are now required to submit supporting documentation for their data at the time the application is submitted; please refer to the application instructions for further guidance regarding the new submission process.
Links are provided below to pertinent DSH documentation, including the DSH application form (DMMA Form DSH 1) and completion instructions. Any DSH-related questions can be directed to Joshua Aidala at (302) 255-9552, or via e-mail at