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Useful Links


U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services


  • Office on Disability
  • Medicare Part D
  • Social Security's Extra Help Program
  • The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has launched a new monthly online health advice column for Spanish-speaking consumers called Consejos de Salud Para Ti. The column provides helpful tips on preventive health, safe and appropriate use of medications, how to get better health care, and other important health care issues. The column is part of AHRQ's "Información en Español" web site which has been enhanced to include audio and video in Spanish on a wide range of health care topics. The web site contains more than 35 consumer guides on health care quality, surgery, health conditions and diseases, quitting smoking, understanding health insurance options and prevention and wellness. Click on this link to get to the web site and the advice column:
  • U.S. Department of Labor Launches New "" Web Site. In conjunction with the 19th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the U.S. Department of Labor has re-named and re-launched as Available at, the site offers comprehensive information about programs and services to better serve more than 50 million Americans with disabilities, their family members, veterans, employers, educators, caregivers and anyone interested in disability-related information.

    The new Web site integrates content from 22 federal agencies and will be managed by the Labor Department. The former site was revamped with social media tools to encourage interaction and feedback, and new ways to organize, share and receive information. Visitors can sign up for personalized news and updates, participate in online discussions and suggest resources for the site. New features include a Twitter feed, Really Simple Syndication feeds, a blog, social bookmarking and a user-friendly way to obtain answers to questions on such topics as finding employment and job accommodations. Additional tools will be added during the months ahead. For more information go to New Disability web site information

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