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Information for Food Establishment Permit Holders and Persons-in-Charge


NOTE: These tables are not a replacement to reading subpart 2-2, Employee Health.
EXCLUDE If diagnosed w/ big 4: S. Typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli 0157:H7 & HAV {per 2-201.12(A), agents listed in 2-201.11(A)} Regulatory approval & MD* documentation: free of symptoms & negative stool for S. Typhi, Shigella & E. coli 0157:H7 {per 2-201.13(A) via 8-501.40}.
Jaundice #7 days {per 2-201.12(D)(1)}
(Cause of jaundice may not be HAV, but the person is excluded until MD clearance & documentation is attained.)
  1. If diagnosed as HAV, then regulatory approval & MD documentation: symptoms cease or at least 2 blood tests show falling liver enzymes {2-201.13(A) via 8-501.40(D).
  2. Not suspected of causing FBI, the via the PIC per MD documentation that the person is free of HAV via symptoms cease {per 2-201.13(D)(1) via 8-501.40(D)(1)}.
  3. If suspected of causing FBI, the via the PIC per MD documentation: symptoms cease & at least 2 blood tests show falling liver enzymes {per 2-201.13(D(2)) via 8-501.40(D)(1&2)}.
RESTRICT Experiencing symptoms associated with GI: diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, or sore throat w/ fever
{per 2-201.12(B)(1), listed in 2-201.11(B)(1), no diagnosis of big 4}.
  1. Symptoms cease & no FBI occurs, then via the PIC {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(a)}.
  2. If suspected of causing FBI & free of symptoms, then via the PIC per MD documentation: free of agent causing symptoms or FBI {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(b) via 8-501.40}.
  3. Symptoms result from a chronic noninfectious condition, then via the PIC per MD documentation, {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(c)}.
Exposed lesion, boil or wound containing pus or open/draining {per 2-201.12(b)(1) listed in 2-201.11(B)(2).
  1. Hands or wrists, impermeable bandage covered with single-use glove.
  2. Arms, impermeable bandage
  3. Other parts of the body, dry, durable tight-fitting bandage
Asymptomatic & positive stool for S. Typhi, Shigella, or E. coli 0157:H7 (shedder) {2-201.12(B) When stools are negative then via the PIC per MD documentation of consecutive negative stools {2-201.13(B)(2) via 8-501.40(A-C)}.
Jaundice > 7 days {per2-201.12(D)(2)(b)}
(Cause of jaundice may not be HAV)
  1. If diagnosed as HAV, then regulatory approval & MD documentation: symptoms cease or at least 2 blood tests show failing liver enzymes {per 2-201.13(A) via 8-501.40(D)}.
  2. Not suspected of causing FBI, the via the PIC per MD documentation that the person is free of HAV via symptoms cease & no FBI occurs {per2-201.13(D)(1) via 8-501.40(D)(1)}.
  3. If suspected of causing FBI, then via the PIC per MD documentation: symptoms cease & at least 2 blood tests show tailing liver enzymes {per 2-201.13(D)(2) via 8-501.40(D)(1&2)}.
Persistent sneezing, coughing or runny nose {per 2-401.12 Discharge from Eyes, Nose & Mouth} Once symptoms cease, via the PIC
NOT ROUTINELY RESTRICTED Asymptomatic & blood tests indicative of current HAV infection RATIONALE: Dependent on duties, personal hygiene, previous exposure & recipient of IG.
See Public Health Reasons, pages 244 - 250.
NOT RESTRICTED Other prior illnesses and/or other asymptomatic conditions

Food Code: Employee Health Specification Sheet, Page 1


EXCLUDE If diagnosed w/ big 4: S. Typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli 0157:H7 & HAV {per 2-201.12(A), agents listed in 2-201.11(A)} Regulatory approval & MD* documentation: free of symptoms & negative stool for S. Typhi, Shigella & E. coli 0157:H7 {per 2-201.13(A) via 8-501.40}.
Jaundice #7 days {per 2-201.12(D)(1)}
>7 days {per 2-201.12(D)(2)(a)}
(Cause of jaundice may not be HAV, but the person is excluded until MD clearance & documentation is attained.)
  1. If diagnosed as HAV, then regulatory approval & MD documentation: symptoms cease or at least 2 blood tests show falling liver enzymes {2-201.13(A) via 8-501.40(D).
  2. Not suspected of causing FBI, then via the PIC per MD documentation that the person is free of HAV via symptoms cease & no FBI occurs{per 2-201.13(D)(1) via 8-501.40(D)(1)}.
  3. If suspected of causing FBI, then via the PIC per MD documentation: symptoms cease & at least 2 blood tests show falling liver enzymes {per 2-201.13(D(2)) via 8-501.40(D)(1&2)}.

Experiencing symptoms associated with GI; diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, or sore throat w/ fever (2-201.11(B)(1)} AND meets
"high risk conditions" (exclude per 2-201.12(C)(1)}.

  1. If free of big 4, then via the PIC per MD documentation (per 2-201.13 via 8.501.40(A-D) symptoms cease & negative stools or falling liver enzymes).
  2. Free of big 4 per #1 above, but still experiencing GI symptoms, then restrict as stated under restrictions.
  3. Chronic noninfectious condition, then via the PIC per MD documentation {per 2-201.13(B(1)(c)).
Asymptomatic & positive stool for S. Typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli 0157:H7 (shedder) {per 2-201.12(C)(2)} When stools are negative, then via the PIC per MD documentation of consecutive negative stools {per 2-201.13(1)(a) via 8-501.40(A-C).
Prior illness with:
S. typhi w/in last 3 months {per 2-201.12 (C)(3)}
Shigella spp. or E. coli 0157:H7 w/in last month {per 2-201.12(C)(4)}
Free of agent, then via the PIC per MD documentation {per 2-201.13(C)(1)(a) via 8-501.40(A-C).
RESTRICT Experiencing symptoms associated with GI: diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, or sore throat w/ fever
{per 2-201.12(B)(1), listed in 2-201.11(B)(1), no diagnosis of big 4}.
  1. Symptoms cease & no FBI occurs, then via the PIC {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(a)}.
  2. If suspected of causing FBI & free of symptoms, then via the PIC per MD documentation: free of agent causing symptoms or FBI {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(b) via 8-501.40}.
  3. Symptoms result from a chronic noninfectious condition, then via the PIC per MD documentation, {per 2-201.13(B)(1)(c)}.
Exposed lesion, boil or wound containing pus or open/draining {per 2-201.12(B)(1) listed in 2-201.11(B)(2).
  1. Hands or wrists, impermeable bandage covered with single-use glove.
  2. Arms, impermeable bandage
  3. Other parts of the body, dry, durable tight-fitting bandage
Persistent sneezing, coughing or runny nose {per 2-401.12, Discharges from Eyes, Nose & Mouth} Once symptoms cease, via the PIC
NOT ROUTINELY RESTRICTED Asymptomatic & blood tests indicative of current HAV infection. RATIONALE: Dependent on duties, personal hygiene, previous exposure & recipient of IG.
See Public Health Reasons, pages 244-250.
NOT RESTRICTED Other prior illnesses and/or other asymptomatic conditions

Key for Abbreviations
FBI - foodborne illness
GI - gastrointenstial hepatitis A virus
IG - immune globulin

PIC - person in charge
MD* - medical doctor or if allowed by law, via a nurse practitioner or physician assistant

HIGH-RISK CONDITIONS, 2-201.11(D)(1-3), the food employee:

  1. Caused or was exposed to a confirmed outbreak w/ the big 4, because the individual prepared or consumed the implicated food, or consumed food prepared by an infected HAV person or person suspected of being a shedder,
  2. Lives with someone diagnosed w/ the big 4, or
  3. Lives with someone who attended or worked at a confirmed outbreak w/ the big 4.

Food Code: Employee Health Specification Sheet, Page 2

