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Office of Radiation Control - Radiation Machine Facilities

Radiation Machine Facility Image
Welcome to the Office of Radiation Control (ORC). Our mission is to protect the health and safety of Delawareans by regulating the use of ionizing radiation in medicine, industry, research and education, and to provide health protection resources in the event of a radiological emergency.

The Office of Radiation Control is the administrative agent for the Authority on Radiation Protection, a public board which oversees licensure of individuals administering ionizing radiation to human patients in Delaware.

Information and Fact Sheets

State/Federal Partners

Test Administration

Radiation Emergency Resources

and Forms

OE R-15A - Radiation Shielding Plan Review Application

R1 - New Radiation Facility Application

R1-B - Out of State Source

R1-C - Radiation Machine Verification

R1-D - Radiation Machine Facility Termination


Radiation Machine Facility Permitting Manual

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