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Delaware Emergency Preparedness for Children


To address child care issues during disasters or emergency situations.


  1. To ensure that child care facilities are prepared to keep children safe during any disaster or emergency situation (State of Emergency or Emergency Operations).
    • Provide Emergency Planning training and resources to child care facilities through out the state.
    • Assist child care facilities in developing comprehensive emergency plans. (Execute Order 22 states that every agency must have a strategic plan).
  2. To establish a pool of certified disaster child care volunteers who are willing to provide care for children at American Red Cross or other Delaware disaster relief sites while parents / guardians are seeking assistance at the site.
    • Recruit and train certified volunteers through the Church of the Brethren training program.
  3. To organize a system of temporary child care during a state of emergency for First Responders' children.
    • Recruit and train licensed child care providers who are willing to offer temporary child care for First Responders' children.
    • Assist First Responders in prearranging child care in preparation for a disaster or state emergency.
  4. To ensure that a plan is in place addressing the care of unattended children during a state of emergency or emergency operations.
    • Identify the appropriate lead agency
    • Identify support agencies
    • Provide training to all appropriate personnel
    • Define roles and responsibilities of affective lead agencies

For more information, please contact the program office.
