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The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) is transmitting a Health Update regarding the availability of influenza vaccine for the 2004-2005 season.
The following information about influenza in Delaware is current as of October 5, 2004:
Delaware’s Division of Public Health is working with vaccine manufacturers, the Centers for Disease Control, the Medical Society of Delaware and others to assess the status of the current flu vaccine supply in Delaware. While some flu vaccine supplies have already been distributed to doctors, clinics, health departments and other providers, a large proportion of available vaccine has not yet been shipped by the manufacturer.
Good respiratory hygiene should be encouraged, including cleaning of hands and staying at home when symptomatic with fever and respiratory illness.
Antiviral medications with specific activity against influenza A viruses should be considered either for treatment or chemoprophylaxis for influenza A, especially in persons at high risk for complications from influenza.