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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Health Care Quality maintains a list of nursing homes in Delaware. The list includes names, addresses, and phone numbers of all nursing homes in the State. The list also includes the number of beds in each facility, and shows whether or not the facility accepts Medicare and Medicaid payments. For the list of nursing homes in Delaware, please visit the Division of Health Care Quality's website.
If you are considering a nursing home, you might want to review some very helpful information provided in the Nursing Home Compare section of the website. On this site you can compare the nursing home inspection findings (including ratings) for facilities in your area, get a nursing home checklist to use when you visit nursing home, and read the publication, Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long Term Care.
Many people who want information about nursing homes also inquire about other types of care. Information about assisted living in Delaware is provided on our Frequently Asked Question page: What is assisted living and where can I find assisted living facilities in Delaware? Information about care available in home and community-based settings is provided on the Frequently Asked Question page: What is home and community-based long term care and how can I get help finding these services?
If you would like more information, please contact the Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).