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Useful Links: Intergenerational Information

  • Family Court of Delaware
    The Delaware Family Court site contains information about the operation of the court, as well as links, frequently asked questions, and other helpful information on topics such as custody, child support, and guardianship.
  • Child, Inc.
    Child, Inc. is a Delaware-based advocacy and service organization that works on behalf of children and families.
  • AARP
    AARP Grandparent Fact Sheets contain useful information for grandparents raising grandchildren and links to related sites.
  • Child Welfare League of America
    The Child Welfare League of America is an association of agencies that assist vulnerable children and families.
  • The Future of Children
    The purpose of The Future of Children is to disseminate timely information on major issues related to children.
  • Generations United
    Generations United (GU) is a national organization focusing primarily on intergenerational strategies, programs, and policies.The site contains up-to-date information on caregiver legislation, support groups, resources, and fact sheets on caregiver issues. Be sure to check out Grand Resources: A Grandparent’s and Other Relative’s Guide to Raising Children with Disabilities.
  • The Grandparent Resource Center
    The Grandparent Resource Center in Wilmington, Delaware provides information and support for grandparents and relatives raising others' children. The Center is located at the Wilmington Senior Center.
  • University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension - Grandparenting Today
    Grandparenting Today provides information for grandparents raising grandchildren
