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Useful Links: Housing

  • Delaware State Housing Authority
    Provides information on services for homebuyers, developers, renters, investors, and others. Be sure to visit the publications page to access the Housing Services Directory for the State of Delaware. You can also use the site to apply online for housing assistance.
  • Delaware Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program
    Provides information and help for homeowners, renters, and others who have experienced foreclosure or who are at risk of foreclosure. Immediate help, in the form of housing counseling and mediation assistance, is available for those who have received notice of foreclosure. The site features downloadable forms in English and Spanish and a toll-free hotline for persons who need help.
  • Delaware Housing Coalition
    Comprehensive information for individuals in Delaware seeking housing help as well as professionals. Be sure to visit the Housing Help page for resource information on finding an apartment, financial aid, homelessness, home repairs, public housing, and more.
    Represents a partnership among many non-profit and government organizations. The site provides an opportunity for property providers to list housing for rent or sale and for those seeking housing to find available houses or apartments. See the "Info and Links" page for helpful housing resources.
  • Housing Information at is the federal government's online resource for persons with disabilities, their relatives, and caregivers. The housing section contains a wealth of useful information and links related to housing. Topics include accessible housing and universal design, housing assistance, emergency preparedness, low-income housing and tax credits, and much more.
  • Homeless Resource Guide
    The guide was prepared by Friendship House for its staff and volunteers, but the resources included in the publication are likely to be helpful to a wider audience.
  • Housing Information Center for Persons with Disabilities
    This site, developed through a collaboration between the Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council and The Arc of Delaware, provides information on affordable housing options in the state. The site includes information about independent and supervised residential housing options as well as related topics such as home modification, home repair, and paying for utilities.
  • HUD
    This is the main page of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). If you explore the site, you will find useful housing-related information, including information about home ownership, renting, homelessness, HUD housing, and other topics. Here are some specific pages within the HUD site that you might want to visit:
  • Interfaith Housing Delaware, Inc.
    Interfaith Housing Delaware, Inc. serves low- and moderate-income households in Delaware by developing and maintaining affordable housing and by providing housing counseling.
  • New Castle County Homeowner Assistance Programs
    Information on several New Castle County programs to support homeowners, including the Architectural Accessibility Program (which installs ramps), the Emergency Home Repair Program, the Homeowner Rehabilitation Direct Loan Program, and the Senior Minor Home Repair Program.
