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Latest Delaware State Plan on Aging Approved

The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) has received formal approval from the Acting Assistant Secretary for Aging Edwin L. Walker at the Administration for Community Living for Delaware’s new State Plan on Aging.

In his approval letter, Acting Assistant Secretary Walker noted, “The State Plan outline a number of significant activities that will serve as a guide for Delaware’s aging service network over the next four years. Of particular note is your commitment to the implementation of the Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program as well as strategies to incorporate the Alzheimer’s State Plan into the core OAA program. I am delighted to see that Delaware continues to serve as an effective and visible advocate for the elderly at the State and local levels.”

The State Plan has been developed to meet the requirements of the Older Americans Act which provides funding for a variety of programs and services for older Delawareans and their caregivers including supportive services, nutrition programs, disease prevention and health promotion initiatives, elder rights protection activities, and caregiver support programs. The plan will be effective from October 2016 through September 2020 and will focus on such issues as:

  • Promoting excellence in the delivery of core Older Americans Act Programs.
  • Carrying out advocacy efforts to develop service structures that improve the lives of older persons and adults with disabilities.
  • Increasing the business acumen of aging network partners.
  • Developing strategies to fully integrate discretionary grant programs with Older Americans Act core programs, including the Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program.
  • Supporting participant-directed/person-centered planning related to long-term care options.
  • Supporting the expansion of home and community-based services which enable participants to direct their own care.
  • Supporting and enhancing multi-disciplinary responses to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.

DSAAPD invites you to download a copy of the approved State Plan on Aging. If you have questions or if you would like more information about the Plan, please contact the Delaware Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) and ask to speak with a representative of DSAAPD's Planning Unit.
