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The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) in coordination with the Alzheimer's Association Delaware Valley Chapter, has drafted the Delaware State Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease. Various professionals and caregivers from across the state volunteered their time over the past several months to help in the development of the plan.
DSAAPD and its partners would like to invite the public to attend a town hall meeting to learn more about the plan and to have the opportunity to offer input. Following is the meeting schedule:
A copy of the draft Delaware State Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease goals, objectives, and strategies can be downloaded here for review prior to the town hall meetings. If you need the copy of the document in a different format, or if you have questions about the upcoming meetings, please contact DSAAPD.
Comments and suggestions on the Draft State Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease will also be accepted by phone, mail, e-mail or fax until the close of business on July 11, 2013. Please your direct your feedback to the DSAAPD Deputy Director at DSAAPD's Main Administrative Office in New Castle.