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DHSS FY 2020 Rate Methodology Study

In September 2019, the Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS) engaged Burns & Associates to conduct a market rate study that would provide a comprehensive review of the multiple & different methodologies for services delivered to vulnerable and at risk populations. This review included:

  • Listing of provider rates by service
  • Populations serviced
  • Associated federal matching funds
  • Most recent rate increase for each service
  • Options for create consistent methodologies across services that reflects the budget process, workforce needs, access to service, and outcomes/metrics.

In June 2020, DHSS released the Independent Study of Rate Methodologies for Services delivered by the Divisions within DHSS as written by Burns & Associates. There were 9 Recommendations, the first seven (7) were generic to all methodologies and the final three (3) were specific to certain categories of service.

In August 2020, DHSS, in partnership from the Delaware Alliance of Nonprofit Associations (DANA), presented an overview of rate methodologies and the findings from the first study, including the 9 recommendations.