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Useful Links: Caregiver Information

  • AARP: Caregiving
    User-friendly site that provides information and resources for caregivers
  • Caregiver Action Network
    Organization that focuses on the needs of family caregivers
  • The Caregiver's Handbook
    A nine-part handbook originally developed through San Diego County Mental Health Services
    Resources for persons caring for older relatives or friends
  • Delaware Library - Caregiving Information
    The Delaware Division of Library's caregiving information section includes a wide range of resources, including resources on caring for seniors, caring for children, caring for caregivers, end-of-life issues, and more. Visit the Caring For Seniors page for a list of Alzheimer's resources and other related information
  • Delaware Lifespan Respite Care Network
    Information about and access to respite care services for persons of all ages.
  • Eldercare Locator
    A nationwide service funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging. The Eldercare Locator is designed to help older persons and caregivers locate local support resources in all parts of the country. This is a very valuable service if you need to find a program in an area outside the one in which you live
  • Hospice Foundation of America
    Information on hospice services and links to local hospice programs; also contains links to many other useful programs, services, and resources
  • National Alliance for Caregiving
    Website of the National Alliance for Caregiving, a non-profit organization which provides support for caregivers and professionals. The site features the Family Care Resource Connection, a searchable database of resources, downloadable reports on various topics, information on caregiving legislation, and other topics.
  • National Center on Caregiving
    Website of the Family Caregiver Alliance which provides several useful resources for caregivers, including online discussion groups and the Family Care Navigator, a state-by-state caregiver resource listing
  • Transportation Solutions for Caregivers
    Information on this site is provided by Easter Seals to help caregivers solve problems associated with transporting older persons with physical and mental impairments. The site includes information on how to order a free Caregiver Transportation Toolkit
  • VA Caregiver Support
    Assistance for individuals caring for veterans
