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Individuals with access and functional needs are people who during an emergency might need additional assistance. Often times, people that fall into this group are severely impacted by a disaster if they do not prepare. If you fall into one or more of the groups below, it is important for you to take additional steps when completing your individual and family emergency plan.
Under normal circumstances, persons with access and functional needs often have assistive support to correct their impairment or may live in an environment where their needs are fulfilled. For example, someone with a visual impairment might use corrective lenses; someone who only speaks Spanish may have a friend that can translate when necessary; or someone without a vehicle may be able to use the bus. What happens if a person cannot find their glasses, or their translator, or the bus is not available? Individuals must plan for unusual circumstances like disasters.
For your convenience, several formats of the brochure "Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Non-Typical Functional Needs" are available:
Other helpful information can be found at:
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