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Division of Public Health

Application List

Application Name Abstract
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a telephone-based random-sample survey of Delaware adults about behavioral risk factors for leading causes of death, morbidity and injury. It is a core public health surveillance system.
Birth Defects Registry, Newborn Screening, Autism Registry This data collects information on newborn metabollic screens, hearing screens, birth defects, and autism. The primary use of the database is to capture abnormal results of initial and follow-up metabollic screens on over 30 conditions and to provide follow-up contact to ensure that a diagnosis is made.
Cancer Registry The Delaware Cancer Registry (DCR), a population based cancer registry, is the central repository of all reportable cancers diagnosed and/or treated in DE.
Conrad 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program This is a database used to track participants in the Conrad State 30/J-1 Visa Program.
Delaware Electronic Reporting and Surveillance System (DERSS) This is a disease/condition reporting and surveillance system that is accessed by a group of users. It receives electronic lab results nightly from LabCorp, Quest and LIMS. Case investigations are initiated thru it and MMWR data is reported to CDC for publication.
Delaware Emergency Medical Reporting System (DEMRS) DEMRS provides field emergency responders with rapid access to statewide standardized patient data. The system collects EMS report data electronically on a real-time basis.
Delaware Household Survey Household health data collected on several topics, including: personal health behavior, access to care, preventive screenings and adverse childhood experiences.
Delaware Immunization Registry (DelVAX) This is a database of immunization records of Delawareans. The data is reported to the Immunization program by medical providers. It includes basic demographic information of the client, vaccines given, and the dates of vaccination.
Delaware Trauma System Registry Delaware’s Trauma System Registry is a centralized statewide database consisting of hospital data on all persons admitted to a Delaware hospital due to injury. Data is utilized to monitor types of injuries occurring in the state. Demographic information is utilized for injury prevention program development and evaluation.
Dentrix (Electronic Dental Record) This is a data system that stores and maintains the dental records of individuals seen in the DPH Dental Clinics. The clients served are mostly Medicaid children. Some clients are children and adults with no dental insurance but have a major dental emergency.
Drinking Water Watch Drinking Water Watch is a public-facing web site that allows anyone to view the results of any sample taken from any Delaware public water system for any regulated contaminant. Drinking Water Watch is also used by the public water systems themselves to compile and produce the facts sheets that contain the data they require to produce their annual Consumer Confidence Reports.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Electronic record of a patients demographic data and medical history.
Electronic Vital Records System This system captures Birth, Death, Fetal Death, Marriage and Divorce Data for residents of Delaware.
Healthy Housing Lead Program Surveillance System (HHLPSS) This is data system created by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that stores a client lead data. The data contains all children lead tested in the state of Delaware and has the ability to store address information for lead remediation. It also can track any environmental conditions for lead based contaminants.
HIV/AIDS Reporting System This is a desktop, secure/confidential, client-level database including client identifiers, demographics, behavioral data, HIV test results, and other sensitive data from July 2006 to the current year.
HIV/AIDS Surveillance This is Delaware's CDC developed HIV/AIDS data collection database. It is used to gather client level data on all HIV positive patients in Delaware. This includes demographics information and behavioral information as well. This will be replaced in the very near future with the Enhanced HIV/AIDS reporting system (EHARS) which will do much the same job. The data collected here is reported to CDC.
Hospital Discharge Contains data from hospitalization or hospital discharge from a non-federal, short-stay, acute-care hospital in Delaware for inpatient hospitalizations.
Laboratory Information System (LIMS) This is a database for laboratory results generated by the Delaware Public Health Laboratory.
Nursing Home Survey This is a database to collect monthly utilization statistics submitted by nursing homes.
Office of Radiation Control Database (ORC) This is a web-based state data system that contains records of pre-operational inspections for new radiation machine facilities, inspection data of facilities using radiation machines, registrations for facilities using radioactive materials, and registration and certification of radiation service providers.
Perm Bill PermBill has only food establishment identifying information limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, permit types and expiration dates. As a narrow-focus accounting system, PermBill generates invoices and records payment histories, but has no disease surveillance or outcome data, or any other statistics of Public Health significance.
PRAMS This is a state data file of a surveillance system of women delivering in Delaware. PRAMS assesses women behaviors, beliefs, and practices prior to, during, and following pregnancy and delivery. It contains answers to the PRAMS questionnaire and select birth certificate data.
Ryan White This is a confidential data base used to monitor Delaware Ryan White HIV/AIDS clients services and demographic information.
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SWDIS) SDWIS is an internal-facing web application used by the Office of Drinking Water and DNREC. SDWIS is used to store and analyze all sample results taken from public drinking water systems state-wide. These sample results are evaluated for compliance with State and Federal regulations. SDWIS also calculates the sampling schedules required for 93 regulated contaminants
School Based Health Center This data file contains information on the number and types of visits that took place at each of the School-Based Wellness Centers located within the States 28 Public Highs. It includes basic demographics such as total enrollment per school, number of students enrolled in each of the School-Base Wellness Centers, race, grade, age, type of insurance, and the number and types of visits using specific risk, diagnostic and CPT codes per wellness center.
Screening for Life & Partners The SFL data set tracks enrollment, screening, diagnostic and provider reimbursement records for clients who enroll in the SFL program in order to receive breast, cervical, colorectal, and/or prostate cancer screenings.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Management Information System (STD/MIS) This database contains sexually transmitted disease cases reported to the state of Delaware.
Spay/Neuter Program The Spay & Neuter Program provides low-cost spay and neuter services to cats and dogs of income eligible applicants.
Tobacco Attitudes and Media Survey The Tobacco Attitudes and Media Survey is a telephone survey of Delaware adults used to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviors associated with tobacco use and cessation, exposure to second-hand smoke, tobacco industry marketing and publicly funded counter-marketing messages.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) WIC does not collect outcome data.
Youth Tobacco Surveys The Youth Tobacco Surveys are school-based surveys of students in grades 6-12. They assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviors associated with tobacco use, exposure to second-hand smoke, tobacco industry marketing and participation in prevention programs.

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