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DHSS CARES Act Health Care Relief Fund

Reporting Requirements

Reporting is now due for grants made by the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) using federal Coronavirus Relief Funds authorized by the CARES Act. Recipients were contacted by email. Scroll down for links to the memo and expenditure template that were provided in the email.

Grant application and award periods include:
Grant  Application Period Award Period
Health Care Relief Fund – Round 1 October 2020 – November 2020 November 2020 – January 2021
Community Resiliency Fund October 2020 – November 2020  

November 2020 – January 2021

Health Care Relief Fund – Round 2  July 2021 September 2021 – November 2021

Expenditure Reporting

Grant recipients were instructed to provide information about expenditures made with Health Care Relief Fund or Community Resiliency Fund grant funding received during the award period. A template was provided in the email to grant recipients and can also be found in the link, below.

Reporting Deadline

Email the completed template to by August 31, 2022.


Organizations are required to certify that the reported expenditures are accurate, and that supporting documentation will be retained by the agency for seven (7) years. The template provided includes a space for the signature of the individual guaranteeing this accuracy, and that supporting documentation will be retained. This requirement is consistent with all certifications that grantees signed with their applications.


Organizations are required to retain copies of contracts, invoices and payments for audit purposes for a period of seven (7) years. If an organization chooses, these can also be submitted with the completed template to DHSS as part of the expenditure information.

Return of Funds

Organizations that identify unspent award dollars should take the following actions:

  1. Email using the subject line: CARES Act Return of Funds
  2. Indicate the amount and reason for the return. 
  3. An administrator will respond with instructions on how to process the return. 

Department of Health and Social Services Cares Act Fund Application. Department of Health and Social Services Cares Act Fund Attestation.

Important Links

Department of Health and Social Services Cares Act Fund Application. Department of Health and Social Services Cares Act Fund Attestation. Department of Health and Social Services sample line item budget. Department of Health and Social Services Terms and Conditions.

Department of Health and Social Services Program Summary. Department of Health and Social Services Extension.

Have a question?

Department of Health and Social Services FAQ page.
Email questions to:
