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Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
On National Alcohol Screening Day, April 7, the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) is encouraging Delawareans to take a two-minute survey to determine whether they or a loved one might be abusing alcohol. Through this effort, more than 7,000 Delawareans already have been notified about the screenings. Thousands more are expected to receive the information in the upcoming week.
Some people who enjoy alcoholic beverages do so safely, while others increase their risk for injury, illness or future alcohol problems due to unsafe drinking patterns. This unhealthy consumption has lead to devastating personal health impacts as well as lifestyle and familial disruptions to 1 in 13 American adults.
DSAMH will partner with multiple businesses, non-profit and faith-based organizations to provide confidential 2-minute screenings and information about alcohol use and abuse at more than 23 locations statewide on April 7 (see below). The screening questions will take only a few minutes and will generate personalized results based on a person’s age, gender and drinking patterns. All responses are completely confidential and anonymous.
Free and confidential screenings are also available online at The website, which is part of a project at Boston University’s School of Public Health, features a 13-question survey that helps people determine whether their alcohol use falls within a range generally considered to be safe or not.
In past years, area substance abuse treatment centers have reported dozens of people seeking treatment as a result of information they or a loved one received on National Alcohol Screening Day. This year, many more individuals are expected to take advantage of online screening that is now available. “We can’t be everywhere, and we can’t get directly in touch with every Delawarean who might be abusing alcohol,” said Jack Kemp, DSAMH’s director of alcohol and drug services. “But if we can use the Internet to help people realize they need treatment and point them in the right direction, then we’re making significant progress.”
Brandywine Counseling 9am – 12 Noon
University of DE, Perkins Student Center
Academy Street
Newark, DE
Brandywine Wellness Center 11am –2pm
Brandywine High
1400 Foulk Road
Wilmington, DE
Connections, CSP 1pm – 5pm
University of DE, Perkins Student Center
Academy Street
Newark, DE
DSAMH and Sodat – Delaware 6pm – 8:30pm
UAW Local 435
3304 Old Capitol Trail
Wilmington, DE
Eighth Street Community Development Corporation 2 pm - 4 pm.
The Resurrection Center Room 138
3301 N. Market St.
Wilmington, DE
Latin American Community Center 11am - 3pm
Latin American Community Center
403 N. VanBuren Street
Wilmington, DE
Latin American Community Center 11am - 3pm
Porter State Service Center
509 West 8th Street
Wilmington, DE
Martin Luther King Center 10 am – 2 pm
435 South Heald Street
Wilmington, DE
Open Door 10am – 2pm
254 E Main Street
Newark, DE
Open Door 10am – 2pm
3301 Green Street
Claymont, DE
PACE 10am –2pm
4700 Limestone Road Pike Creek Valley
Wilmington, DE
PAL Center 6pm-8pm
Garfield Park PAL
26 Karlyn Drive Center
New Castle, DE
PAL Center 6pm-8pm
Hockessin Center
7259 Lancaster Pike
Hockessin, DE
Pathways and Phoenix Mental Health 8am – 5pm
Goldey Beacom College
4701 Limestone Rd
Wilmington, DE
Sharon Temple Outreach Ministries 8:30 am – 10 am
Love Heals Ministry
301 W. 20th Street
Wilmington, DE
Sodat – Delaware 8am – 5pm
625 N. Orange St.
Wilmington, DE
Sodat – Delaware 9am – 1pm
McKean High School
301 McKennans Church Rd
Wilmington, DE
TASC 10am – 2pm
Happy Harry’s
2303 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
University of DE/Schools Alliance 8am – 12Noon
Newark High School
750 E Delaware Ave
Newark, DE
Connections, CSP 10am – 4pm
Wesley College
120 N. State Street
Dover, DE
House of Pride 12 Noon – 6pm
110 S. New Street
Dover, DE
Open Door 10am – 2pm
884B Walker Road,
Dover, DE
Thresholds and K/S Detox 11a –3p
Georgetown Walmart
4 College Park Lane
Georgetown, DE