Current Suspected Overdose Deaths in Delaware for 2025: Get Help Now!
Find school water testing results and additional resources
Attention Medicaid Participants: Eligibility Renewals Restarted April 1, 2023
Welcome to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Providers Resources Home. Each area in the grid below includes selected resources and required information by topic for prospective or current DSAMH affiliated Behavioral Health service providers. Each area has an introduction describing the resources available at the top of each section. We strongly recommend prospective and current DSAMH affiliated providers peruse each section's introductory description for an overall orientation to these resources. If you cannot find what you are looking for today, please send your inquiry to Or just let us know how your experience was visiting this site.
Legal Disclaimer: Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted or construed as approving any act, action, or conduct which is or has been or may be in violation of existing state or federal law. Federal and state laws and the standards, regulations, or certifications promulgated to comply with these laws are in a continual state of change. DSAMH will update our resource page as quickly as possible once notified of any outdated material or changes at the state and federal levels. If you see any outdated or incorrect information, please let us know. Always verify information with the primary regulatory authority and published regulations or standards.