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Hope Transcends • 39th Annual Summer Institute on Substance Abuse & Mental Health • July 26th-30th, 2010 • Newark, DE
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Xavier Amador, PhD is a clinical psychologist, Professor at Columbia University, the Founder and Director of the LEAP Institute and author of eight books including the national best seller, I'm Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! Dr. Amador has been a regular contributor to the Today Show and a featured guest on NBC Nightly News, 60 Minutes, CNN, Dateline, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others. Dr. Amador was co-chair of the last text revision of the Schizophrenia and related disorders section of the DSM IV-TR. I'm Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! |
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Marna S. Barrett, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Her current studies include investigations of factors predictive of early engagement and attrition in community mental health settings, cultural influences on mental health service use, and the use of a modified motivational interview to increase commitment to treatment. Dr. Barrett supervises psychiatry residents in psychotherapy, teaches the residency ethics curriculum, and maintains a clinical practice where she specializes in the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder. Moral Decision-Making |
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Ronald Bassman, PhD, "Being committed twice for six and then seven months to psychiatric hospitals left me with a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia. My treatment included: 40 insulin comas, electroshock and massive doses of thorazine. I recovered, earned my doctorate and became a licensed psychologist." Dr. Bassman is a therapist, consultant, university faculty and advocate. He is chair of The Community Consortium, an organization created to promote the civil and human rights of people with psychiatric disabilities. He is the author of articles and the book, A Fight to Be: A Psychologist's Experience from Both Sides of the Locked Door. Hope in Recovery: The Power of Our Beliefs Hope, Resiliency, and Possibilities |
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Celia Brown, a psychiatric survivor, was instrumental in developing the first Peer Specialist civil service title in the country. As President of MindFreedom International, she is their primary representative to the United Nations on the International Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Ms. Brown is a founding member of the national People of Color Consumer/Survivor Network and a co-founder of the International Network Towards Alternatives for Recovery. Hope in Recovery: The Power of Our Beliefs Hope, Resiliency, and Possibilities |
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Tonier Cain is a consumer advocate who has spoken nationally on trauma, incarceration, and recovery. She has served as a member of the Maryland Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with a Mental Illness Council and worked as a case manager and Director of Advocacy Services. Ms. Cain is featured in the documentary Behind Closed Doors: Trauma Survivors and the Psychiatric System, and she is the subject of a new documentary that will be released in 2010 entitled Healing Neen. Ms. Cain has worked as the team leader for the federally-funded National Center for Trauma Informed Care. The Neurobiological and Psychological Effects of Trauma |
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Charlotte Chapman, LPC, MAC, CCS, NCC is the Director of Counseling Services at the Women's Center at the University of Virginia. She is an Associate Professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Counseling at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and participates in the N.I.D.A. Clinical Trials. She has twenty-five years experience as a counselor, supervisor and trainer in the substance abuse and mental health field. Advanced Motivational Interviewing |
Karen Charles, who has suffered a lifetime with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) since the age of four, is a graduate of the OCD Institute in Boston, MA., and author and presenter of an OCD program, "OCD in the Classroom", a service program for all school personnel, to help identify children with OCD, in an effort to facilitate assessment and treatment. Karen openly shares her own story through public speaking in an effort to educate and promote awareness. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from A to Z |
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Christine Courtois, PhD, LPC is an internationally-recognized therapist, workshop leader, speaker, consultant, and specialist in posttraumatic and dissociative conditions. She is Co-Founder and former Clinical and Training Consultant to The Center Posttraumatic Disorders Program in Washington, DC. Dr. Courtois authored Recollections of Sexual Abuse: Treatment Principles and Guidelines, Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Workshop Model, and Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy. She is Associate Editor of the journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy. Treating Complex Trauma |
Cecilia Douthy Willis, PhD, is the project director of the Strategic Prevention Framework - State Incentive Grant with D.S.A.M.H. She is a tenured Professor with Springfield College, School of Human Services. Dr. Douthy Willis is a former state director for Substance Abuse Services and has served for more than twenty-five years as a national consultant for SAMHSA. Inside Out: Creating Community-Based Substance Use Prevention Programs |
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Wendy Edey, RPsych, MEd is a counseling psychologist whose work integrates three personal passions; hope, humor and storytelling. She has been practicing and teaching the intentional integration of hope strategies into counseling for people facing illness and complex problems. She is a co-founder of the International Database of Hope Research Literature, a lecturer in educational psychology and is the Director of Counseling at the Hope Foundation of Alberta, a university center for hope studies. Her work is published in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and the Journal of Counseling Psychology Quarterly. Audacious Hope: Embracing the Power and the Peril Hope Tools that Make a Difference Fun and Games in Counseling and Group Work |
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Brian H. Farr, MA, LPC, NCGC-II maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon. He has extensive clinical experience with individuals and families facing the complex issues of problem gambling. During the 25 years prior to becoming a counselor, he was a founding partner of an investment management firm, owner/manager of a personnel agency, and member/broker at the Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. Farr has an MA in Counseling Psychology from Lewis & Clark College and a BA in History from Stanford University. Money: Financial Realities and Therapeutic Strategies for Problem Gamblers |
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Joan Gillece, PhD is the Project Director for the National Coordinating Center for the Seclusion and Restraint Reduction Initiative and Project Director for the National Center for Trauma Informed Care. Dr. Gillece developed trauma informed programs for Tamar's Children, a program serving incarcerated women and their newborns designed to break the intergenerational cycle of despair, poverty, addiction, and criminality. Dr. Gillece has provided consultation on developing innovative institutional and community programs. The Neurobiological and Psychological Effects of Trauma |
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Nan Henderson, MSW is an internationally recognized author, trainer, and consultant on fostering human resiliency in youth, adults, families, and organizations. Her publications are used in more than 25 countries and have been translated into Spanish and Russian. She is co-founder and President of Resiliency In Action, Inc. and is featured on National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation. She has served on the faculty of five universities with an emphasis on substance use conditions; worked as a clinical therapist; and directed youth risk behavior prevention and resiliency implementation programs. Resiliency: Bouncing Back with Power and Smarts |
Kevin Ann Huckshorn, RN, MSN, CAP, ICADC is Director of Delaware's Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health. She served as the Director to the Office of Technical Assistance at the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors and the National Coordinating Center to Reduce and Eliminate the Use of Seclusion and Restraint. Ms. Huckshorn co-authored the book, Principled Leadership in Mental Health Systems and Programs. The Neurobiological and Psychological Effects of Trauma |
Howard Isenberg, MA is a Regional Director for Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems in Pennsylvania and is the Executive Director of Open Door, Inc. in Delaware and Family Services Association, Inc. in Cecil County, Maryland. He has over twenty-seven years experience operating substance abuse, mental health, and a variety of other human services programs. Mr. Isenberg has a family member in recovery from obsessive compulsive disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from A to Z |
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Janice LeBel, PhD is a licensed psychologist and the Director of Program Management for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. She oversees a statewide system of care for youth and leads DMH's nationally-recognized Restraint/Seclusion Prevention Initiative. Dr. LeBel is a member of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Director's teaching faculty to advance trauma-informed care and restraint/seclusion prevention efforts. The Neurobiological and Psychological Effects of Trauma |
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David Mee-Lee, MD is a leading international expert in co-occurring substance use and mental health conditions with over 30 years experience in person-centered treatment and program development. He is Chief Editor of the ASAM Patient Placement Criteria and is Senior Vice President for the Change Companies. He is a board-certified psychiatrist and is certified by the Board of Addiction Medicine. Skill Building in Recovery: Treatment Plans that Make Sense to Clients Clinicians are from Mercury, Clients are from Saturn: Strategies to Cope How to Survive and Thrive During Integration and Change |
The Mental Health Players (MHP's) were formed in 1989 as a program of the Mental Health Association of Maryland. The MHP's primary objective is to help educate and reflect attitudes about mental health and illness. During the past 21 years, many organizations have engaged the MHP's to help their groups talk about difficult issues including communication, suicide, caring for a disabled family member, loss and growth in aging, alcohol use, and job stress. The troupe is composed of volunteer actors who enjoy performing as well as getting satisfaction from helping others in the community. An Antidote to the Hopelessness of Suicide |
Scott D. Miller, PhD is co-director of the Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change and originator of the website. He co-founded the Center for Clinical Excellence, an international consortium of clinicians, researchers, and educators dedicated to promoting excellence in behavioral health services. Dr. Miller is the author of Escape from Babel: Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy Practice, The Heart and Soul of Change: What Works in Therapy, and The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy. Client-Directed and Outcome-Informed |
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Glen Milstein, PhD is a tenured Assistant Professor of Psychology at the City College of New York, and an adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. His bilingual research seeks to improve the continuity of mental health care through a model of Clergy Outreach and Professional Engagement (COPE). He has studied clergy, clinicians, consumers and caregivers, as well as interventions to reduce stigma. He is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. Bridging the Gap Through Clergy Outreach and Professional Engagement (COPE) |
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C. Karen Covey Moore, DMin an ordained United Methodist Minister, spiritual director and bereavement counselor with Delaware Hospice, Inc., is the founder of Chabereth Ministries, Inc., a ministry of spiritual direction and the co-founder of Healing Hearts Ministries: Ministry to Survivors of Suicide. She has presented internationally on the subject of the role of faith in suicide bereavement and prevention. In 2008 she was awarded the Sandy Martin Grassroots Award by Suicide Prevention Action Network; and coauthored the article "Spiritual Direction with Survivors of Suicide" in the September 2009 issue of Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. An Antidote to the Hopelessness of Suicide Finding Hope After Loss |
Barbara Pope, MA, LCSW has been working with clients since 1991 when a high school junior came to her office with the anxious thought: "if I don't write all my letters perfectly something terrible will happen to my family." Since that time, Ms. Pope has studied obsessive-compulsive disorder extensively and devoted a large portion of her clinical practice to men and women who suffer with this disorder. She teaches at Widener University Graduate School of Social Work. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from A to Z |
Priscilla Ridgeway, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University. Dr. Ridgeway develops and evaluates consumer recovery education programming and has designed an evaluation methodology assessing Elements of a Recovery Facilitating System (ERFS). Dr. Ridgeway is involved in designing the Recovery Markers Questionnaire, further developing the Recovery Oriented Systems Indicators (ROSI) and the Recovery Enhancing Environment (REE) measure. She has learned a great deal through a personal experience of recovery from brain trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. Nine Passages on a Journey of Recovery Hope and Pathways to Recovery |
Kathleen Rupertus, PsyD established The Anxiety and OCD Treatment Center in Wilmington, Delaware in 2005. She has been working with children, adolescents, and adults with OCD and other anxiety disorders since 1995 and she has triumphed in her personal journey to overcome OCD. Dr. Rupertus presents regularly at national conferences and has appeared on television programs discussing topics related to anxiety. She is co-author of the book Loving Someone with OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from A to Z |
Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1H13S9015994-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.