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Summer Institute Week-at-a-Glance

Hope Transcends  •  39th Annual Summer Institute on Substance Abuse & Mental Health  •  July 26th-30th, 2010 •  Newark, DE

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39th Summer Institute Banner

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Keynote &
#1399 Moral Decision-Making
#1393 Resiliency: Bouncing Back with Power and Smarts #1396 Treating Complex Trauma
Keynote &
#1392 Audacious Hope: Embracing the Power and the Peril
#1400 Hope Tools that Make a Difference #1398 Advanced Motivational Interviewing
Keynote &
#1389 I'm Not Sick,
I Don't Need Help!
#1394 Client-Directed and Outcome-Informed #1402 Money: Financial Realities and Therapeutic Strategies for Problem Gamblers
Keynote &
#1406 The Neurobiological and Psychological Effects of Trauma
#1403 Skill Building in Recovery: Treatment Plans that Make Sense to Clients #1404 Clinicians are from Mercury, Clients are from Saturn: Strategies to Cope #1405 How to Survive and Thrive During Integration and Change #1397 Bridging the Gap Through Clergy Outreach and Professional Engagement (COPE)
Keynote &
#1390 Hope in Recovery: The Power of Our Beliefs
#1391 Hope, Resiliency, and Possibilities #1411 An Antidote to the Hopelessness of Suicide #1409 Nine Passages on a Journey of Recovery #1401 Hope and Pathways to Recovery
#1395 Fun and Games in Counseling and Group Work #1407 Inside Out: Creating Community-Based Substance Use Prevention Programs #1408 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from A to Z 1410 Finding Hope After Loss  
#1399 Moral Decision-Making   #787 Heartsaver® CPR/AED    


One Day Workshops Two Day Workshops Evening Workshops Free Evening Workshops
Summer Institute 2010 Sponsors

*Sponsor Recognition Page

Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1H13S9015994-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
