Hope Transcends • 39th Annual Summer Institute on Substance Abuse & Mental Health • July 26th-30th, 2010 • Newark, DE
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Listed below are presentations from some of the 2010 Summer Institute workshops.
(#1389) I'm Not Sick, I Don't Need Help!
Presentation: I'm Not Sick, I Don't Need Help!
This workshop reviewed the LEAP Approach (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner), a set of evidence-based practices to help individuals, who do not see the need for treatment, become fully engaged in treatment and to actively work with their support system.
Faculty: Xavier Amador, PhD
(#1396) Treating Complex Trauma
Presentation: Treating Complex Trauma
Article: Complex Trauma, Complex Reactions: Assessment & Treatment
Article: Clinical Applications of the Attachment Framework: Relational Treatment of Complex Trauma
Article: Treatment of Complex Posttraumatic Self-Dysregulation
This workshop offered an overview of conceptual advances in understanding complex traumatic stress disorders. Elements of the traumatic stressor and common responses from a developmental/lifespan perspective were reviewed. Advances in evidence-based treatments, sequencing of treatment and the application of integrative treatment approaches were discussed.
Faculty: Christine Courtois, PhD
(#1399) Ethics: Moral Decision-Making
Presentation: Ethics: Moral Decision Making
This interactive workshop provided a framework for understanding why ethical dilemmas often create conflict and how a formal process for decision-making can facilitate an effective resolution. Two models of ethical decision-making were presented and applied to participant case examples.
Faculty: Marna Barrett, PhD
(#1401) Hope and Pathways to Recovery
Presentation: Hope and Pathways to Recovery
This workshop explored hope and recovery from the experiences of people in recovery. The workshop provided strategies to make hope visible in individual lives and participants discovered how retelling one's life story from a perspective of hope and resilience can supercharge the recovery journey.
Faculty: Priscilla Ridgeway
(#1402) Money: Financial Realities and Therapeutic Strategies for Problem Gamblers
Presentation: Money: Financial Realities and Therapeutic Strategies for Problem Gamblers
This workshop provided therapeutic tools that support positive changes in the financial behavior of individuals with gambling problems. Participants examined the impact of money on values, self concept, and sense of safety, as well as they discussed the role and meaning of money in contemporary culture.
Faculty: Brian Farr, MA, LPC, NCGC-II
(#1403) Skill Building in Recovery: Treatment Plans that Make Sense to Clients
Handout: Skill Building in Recovery: Treatment Plans that Make Sense to Clients
This workshop explored mental health recovery from the perspective of the lived experience. Participants learned about the roots of the recovery movement and the five major shifts this approached demands from providers.
Faculty: David Mee-Lee, MD
(#1409) Nine Passages on a Journey of Recovery
Presentation: Nine Passages on a Journey of Recovery
This workshop explored mental health recovery from the perspective of the lived experience. Participants learned about the roots of the recovery movement and the five major shifts this approached demands from providers.
Faculty: Priscilla Ridgeway
(#1410) Finding Hope After Loss
Presentation: Finding Hope After Loss
This workshop discussed the many faces of loss and grief, and reviewed the process of normal grief. Participants had the opportunity to examine their own experiences of loss and grief and prepared themselves to help others who are grieving.
Faculty: C. Karen Covey Moore, DMin
(#1411) An Antidote to the Hopelessness of Suicide
Presentation: An Antidote to the Hopelessness of Suicide
This workshop used role play and interactive audience participation to expand awareness and educate about mental health issues, suicide, and grief. The Mental Health Players presented conflict through dialogue and encouraged audience participation; Dr Moore facilitated discussion and provided tools for empowering participants to provide support for people coping with the loss of a loved one to suicide.
Faculty: the Mental Health Players & C. Karen Covey Moore, DMin
Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by 1H13S9015994-01 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.